Main article: Zodiarts
The Zodiarts (ゾディアーツ, Zodiātsu) are constellation-themed monsters assumed by humans through the use of the Zodiarts Switches' Cosmic Energy gathering abilities to create constructs in which their minds are eventually transferred into.
Mitsuaki Gamo
Mitsuaki Gamo (我望 光明, Gamō Mitsuaki?), previously referred to as the red-eyed man (赤い目の男, akai me no otoko?), is a former astronaut with connections in both NASA and the Russian Federal Space Agency. He founded Amanogawa High School to ostensibly foster space exploration in future generations, while actually providing a pool of students to get on with his Zodiarts plans, and he serves as the school board chairman. Seventeen years prior to the beginning of the series, he stole the Zodiarts Switches from an OSTO space station before it exploded. Since then, Gamou has been masterminding the Zodiarts attacks on his school in order to have all twelve Horoscope followers for his master plan. He often uses space metaphors in his speech. He is also shown to possesses supernatural abilities such as giving a Horoscope member the ability to assume Supernova form, and the ability to conduct hypnotic suggestion that he uses on outsiders to drive them away, thus keeping his true agenda a secret from prying eyes.Mitsuaki Gamou is portrayed by Shingo Tsurumi (鶴見 辰吾, Tsurumi Shingo?).

The Horoscopes (ホロスコープス, Horosukōpusu?), alternatively called the Twelve Constellations of the Zodiac (黄道十二星座, Kōdō Jū-Ni Seiza?), are the series' main recurring antagonists. Originally normal Zodiarts, they undergo a evolution of their human selves, keeping their human bodies unlike less advanced Last One Zodiarts. They answer directly to Mituaki Gamou and serve as members of his inner circle, sharing his ideals while believing themselves and those they select to be chosen by the Universe to become superior beings.Possessing unique golden and crimson-colored Zodiarts Switches with each button engraved with it's Zodiarts form's respective astrological symbol, the Horoscopes normally wear heavy robes which they discard should they need to fight at their full potential. They can use their Cosmic Energies to conjure footsoldiers called Stardust Ninja Dustards (星屑忍者ダスタード, Hoshikuzu Ninja Dasutādo?).[9] They are also able to undergo a transformation called Supernova (超新星, Chōshinsei?) to assume an even more powerful form resembling an enormous version of their constellation with the normal Zodiarts form embedded as a "pilot" of sorts somewhere on the giant form. Only five members are active, some of them posing as staff members in AGHS as their goal is to recruit seven more from those among the AGHS student body they select to use Zodiarts Switches and have the mental status to awaken their Resurrection Star (最輝星, Saikisei?) and transcend the Last One phase.
Sagitarius : Toshiya Miura
Miura at some point made it into the school's American Football team, but Takato Daimonji had his son Shun (the captain) demote him to equipment manager. To exact revenge, Miura acquired the Zodiarts Switch that allowed him to become the Orion Zodiarts from the Scorpion Zodiarts. He planned to attack Shun for ruining his football chances until he was defeated by Kamen Rider Fourze. Miura is then told by Gentaro that he doesn't have to resort to such drastic methods.
Miura is later hospitalized afterward and for the next few months, he stops coming to school filled with guilt. He declines every requests he gets to come back to school, from the Kamen Rider Club (even after Shun apologizes to Miura) to his own girlfriend, Mari Yamamoto. Miura is then targetted by the Scorpion Zodiarts again to force him to become an Orion Zodiarts again due to his addiction to Cosmic Energy presenting him with a new Zodiarts Switch that quickly enters its Last One state. When Fourze arrives, the Scorpion Zodiarts tells him to meet at the first place they met.
Miura accepts the offer while telling Gentaro and co. to leave him alone. But Miura sees Mari's photo of him while remembering his life before the Orion Switch. After the Scorpion Zodiarts drives the club off, Miura encounters the Horoscope and has the strength to outright refuse the Switch. The Scorpion proceeds to kill Miura, until Fourze appears and defeats the Horoscope. Miura then returns to school the next day joining Mari in the photography club.
Scorpion: Sarina Sonoda
Using the special Scorpion Switch to assume her Zodiarts form, the Scorpion Zodiarts uses a kick-based fighting style while is armed with powerful claw gauntlets and a scorpion's tail-like ponytail that doubles as a whip and can inject an agonizing venom into her victims. The Scorpion Zodiarts initially works behind the scenes, distributing the Zodiarts Switches to students that want to seek revenge against those who have slighted them. The Scorpion Zodiarts later appears before Kamen Rider Fourze during the events of the Chameleon Zodiarts's vendetta against Miu, though originally ordered not by Gamou not eliminate the Kamen Rider and instead fights him when his meddling become a hindrance. But once she begins to give Miura a new Zodiarts Switch, Ms. Sonoda is given full permission to kill Kamen Rider Fourze. During her plot to kill off Gentarou, Gamou gives Ms. Sonoda a boost in power to awaken her Supernova status, giving her the ability to become the scorpion man-like Scorpion Nova (スコーピオン・ノヴァ, Sukōpion Nova?). This enables her to battle the now visibly stronger Kamen Rider Fourze, with her lower body capable of transforming into a large scorpion body with a gigantic tail, being equal in size to the Powerdizer when transformed. Her body is this form can also amass enough energy to destroy a city. However, the scheme fails as she is defeated by Kamen Rider Fourze in space with his Big Space Rider Rocket Drill Kick. Spirited away by Hayami with her identity protected, Ms. Sonoda's Zodiarts Switch is taken away from her until she pleads Gamou into giving it back to her in response to the appearance of Kamen Rider Meteor. However, losing against Meteor in a one-on-one fight, Ms. Sonoda is sucked into the Dark Nebula as punishment for her repeated failures. Her disappearance is covered up soon after to make it seem that she is on a sabbatical and then a resignation due to health reasons.
An anagram of her name Sonoda Sarina (そのださりな?) is the phrase Sasori na no da (さそりなのだ?), which means "I am the scorpion".
Sarina Sonoda is portrayed by Yuka Konan (虎南 有香, Konan Yuka?). The masculine voice of the Scorpion Zodiarts is provided by Eiji Takemoto (竹本 英史, Takemoto Eiji?).
Libra: Kouhei Hayami
He has accidentally and indirectly brought about Natsuji Kijima, the Pegasus Zodiarts's evolution into the Cancer Zodiarts, a surprise that he does not take any liking to. This dislike is further aggravated since the newcomer's induction within the Hororscopes' ranks, due to Kijima's blatant disrespect shown to Hayami as well as Kijima's insistence that he be treated as an equal instead of an underling.
His given name Kōhei (公平?) is also the Japanese word for "fairness", "impartial", and "justice", referencing that the constellation of Libra represents the scales of Astraea, the Greek goddess of justice.
Kouhei Hayami is portrayed by Kousei Amano (天野 浩成, Amano Kōsei?). Amano previously portrayed Sakuya Tachibana/Kamen Rider Garren in Kamen Rider Blade under the stage name "Hironari Amano".
Virgo: Kunitero Emoto
The Virgo Zodiarts is voiced by Rie Tanaka (田中 理恵, Tanaka Rie?).
Emoto appears to be a little air-headed and has a tendency to not pay attention to his surroundings. He once refers himself as the moon, only able to reflect the sun's glow, while explaining his relationship to Gamo and Rokuro. He however grew jealous of Rokuro being seen as the vibrant Earth. Since becoming Virgo, he now loathes the moon and wants to take Rokuro's place as the Earth, Emoto became to the point, sometimes rather brutally. While not as a die hard loyalist like Leo, he is rather close to Gamou thanks to the bonds they had forged during their days as part of the OSTO. He also appears to have thrown away his feelings of friendship in exchange for power as shown when he trains Fourze to fight with ruthlessness instead of friendship as Tachibana. But the Kamen Rider Club, currently unaware of Virgo's identity, note that there are times when Virgo indirectly aids them and appears to have an agenda of his own. In reality, Emoto actually seeks to subvert Gamo's plans, getting help from the Kamen Riders and the Club.
Emoto was once a good associate of both Rokuro Utahoshi and Mitsuaki Gamo studying Cosmic Energy. However, aiding Gamou and developing the same ability turn his eyes in a red color, Emoto stole the Zodiarts Switches from the OSTO space station and had a brief scuffle with Utahoshi, before escaping in a Lunar Module and leaving his former friend stranded on the moon. Soon after, becoming a professor at the Kyoto Space University to study The Hole above Kyoto, Emoto became one of the first members of the Horoscopes: Virgo. Emoto also used his powers to set up base in the M-BUSas Tachibana, training Ryusei Sakuta into becoming Kamen Rider Meteor to have him fight the Zodiarts and the other Horoscopes members under his guidance.
During Movie War Megamax, in his Zodiarts form, Emoto attempted to capture Nadeshiko for Gamou before being forced to fall back after being hit with the Double Rider Rocket Punch. After the appearance of Kamen Rider Meteor, using his teleportation power to travel to and from Amanogawa High, Emoto proceeds to watch over Hayami's progress after banishing Ms. Sonoda for her failure to their cause, playing a part in Kijima's evolution into the Cancer Zodiarts, Meteor gaining the Storm Switch, and Kijima's unintended banishment as well.
After The Hole in Kyoto is negated, Emoto transfers to Miraikan where he becomes an instructor to Kengo, Yuki, and Tomoko. When Tomoko learned of his identity as the Virgo Zodarts, Emoto sent her to the Dark Nebula to conceal his secret. Emoto as the Virgo Zodiarts then proceeded to intimidate the Kamen Rider Club to halt any interference to the Horoscopes plan, effectively causing the club to dissolve. Kengo Utahoshi tries to send a Nugerover after the Virgo Zodiarts, the small robot tracking Emoto, but Virgo crushes it, saying he wouldn't find his identity so easily. Emoto as Tachibana then appears to Gentaro to show him to fight with ruthlessness instead of friendship. But Kengo interrupts and reveals that he has found Cosmic Energy readings, the same as the destroyed Nugerover, emitting from Tachibana's hands. Tachibana says he is not surprised of such cleverness coming from the son of Rokuro Utahoshi, and reveals himself as the Virgo Zodiarts. When Meteor attacks in a rage, Virgo banishes him to the Dark Nebula.
Emoto as the Virgo Zodiarts kept telling Fourze to fight with ruthlessness; but when the Kamen Rider Club reformed, not wanting to lose anymore friends, Emoto remembered his friendships with Rokuro and Gamo and realised that ruthlessness was not needed. Emoto then showed his real face and his intentions while bringing Tomoko and Ryusei back from the M-BUS, which he revealed was the true face of the Dark Nebula. Unfortunately he was seen by Gamo who then became the Sagittarius Horoscopes to attack him and the Riders. Emoto was mortally wounded in the fight. He teleported the Kamen Rider Club to safety and spirited Kengo away in order to tell him what really happened to his father. He begins explaining further, but they are interrupted by Libra and Leo, the latter of the two in a rage by Virgo's betrayal. Emoto tell's Kengo the Horoscopes' goal before teleporting away with the Leo and Libra Zodiarts, fighting valiantly before dying by Leo's claws. He died with a smile on his face, happy that, in the end, he had friends once again.
He was immortalized on the moon by the Kamen Rider Club, with a collection placed outside the Rabbit Hatch in his memory, consisting of his cracked glasses, Tachibana's helmet, and a picture of him and Rokuro.
Emoto's powers as Virgo allows him to distort space-time, which enables him to create black hole-like spheres that eat away at anything they touch or to send people into what is believed to be the Dark Nebula (it was actually a portal to the M-BUS), serving his role as the Horoscopes judge and executioner. His main weapon is a halberd known as Rhodia. Emoto can put up a strong barrier that can protect him even from Limit Breaks. He can use also use his angelic wings to flight or send out feathers to deliver messages. Emoto's Zodiarts form is also capable of teleportation, using the ability to travel from Amanogawa High to both the M-Bus and Kyoto before the Horoscopes negated The Hole located there.
As Tachibana, Emoto demonstrated the use of a hover pack, traps and use of equipment used by the Kamen Riders, showing himself to have enough endurance to pilot the Power Dizer.
Leo: Kou Tatsugami
Kou is generally quiet and a skilled martial artist, serving as both Gamou's personal aide and bodyguard. He does not hold back to attack anyone when he feels Gamou is threatened or dishonered. This is shown that, even though he knows Fourze is important to Gamou's plans, after Gentarou pats Gamou on the shoulders and (rather enthusiastically and loudly) thanks Gamou after feeding him information during the Aquarius incident, Kou transforms into the Leo Zodiarts and attacks without prejudice, barely letting Gentaro become Fourze, and not giving him the chance to use Cosmic.
He is extremely loyal to Gamou, and will not let anything come in the way of his master's plans, not even his fellow Horoscopes' incompetence, shown when he fought Fourze and Meteor as the Leo Zodiarts so that Libra could carry out his orders.
He has a habit of carrying two walnuts with him wherever he goes, shuffling them around in his palms. This actually serves as a sign to to his patience, as when he runs out of patience, he crushes them.
As the Leo Zodiarts, he is the strongest of the four original Horoscopes, using sheer muscle and power to overwhelm his opponents. He is strong enough to shatter Meteor's Mars Breaker and his skin is tough enough to withstand the Meteor Storm Punisher, showing that he's beyond Cancer in terms of offense and defense, as he is more than evenly matched with the two Kamen Riders, even in their most strongest forms.
Even in human form, he is incredibly strong, as he can crush walnuts with just his grip alone, and can destroy any Dustards that are sent his way.
He is able to fire a shockwave attack out of his mouth that sounds like a lion's roar, which is strong enough to inflict damage. For close combat, he can transform his arms into two massive triclaws. To give himself an edge, Leo has the ability to use bursts of super speed to make up for his normally rather poor speed.
Kou has the unique ability to use other Horoscope Switches, not only transforming into other Horoscopes Zodiarts, but unleash the forms' full potential compared to their original users.
Aries : Tatsumori Yamada
Yamada began as a transfer student at SBHS who was originally a quiet member of AGHS's drama club. However, upon arriving to Subaruboshi High, Yamada used the Zodiarts Switch he obtain to become the Lepus Zodiarts before evolving into the sixth member of the Horoscopes, the Aries Zodiarts. He abuses his ability to put people to sleep and developed a god complex, to the point of totally disregarding the Horoscopes' interest in general.
Yamada transfers to Subaruboshi High to break away from the director's scrutiny, and took on the title of "The Apostle of Sleep" as he gets the entire school under his control and has everyone act in the roles he assigns them. Though Ryusei was only looking for the Aries Zodiarts under Tachibana's orders initially, he now sees a way to save Jiro in the said Zodiarts.
As a result, against Tachibana's orders, Ryusei decides to make a deal with Yamada, by killing Kamen Rider Fourze, to save Jiro. He was later defeated by Kamen Rider Fourze in Cosmic States and his Switch was taken by Virgo. He is last seen in a hospital, ironically in a coma.
As the Aries Zodiarts, he is armed with the Coppelius Scepter (コッペリウスセプター, Kopperiusu Seputā). He has the power to put people into comas, and is alternatively referred to as the "Apostle of Sleep" (眠りの使徒, Nemuri no Shito) because of this power. This works both ways, as he can also pull people out of comas, hence why Ryusei Sakuta is desperate to find him.
His powers can also be transferred to various parts of the body, such as shutting down Gentaro's left arm and right leg.
The Aries Zodiart briefly transformed into Aries Nova due to desire for power, with extended horns and without his cape and in a slimmer appearance, granting him the ability to shoot balls of golden energy. Other abilities of Aries Nova are unknown, as he was quickly defeated by Fourze Cosmic States
Cancer: Natsuji Kijima
Although being the latest and youngest member of the Horoscopes so far, Kijima is shown to retain his arrogant personality and a sharp tongue, as well as insisting to be treated as an equal instead of a trainee. Unlike his other Hororscope comrades, he flaunts his strength without any discretion at all and cares little about his identity being exposed. He also constantly picks fights for fun with Kamen Rider Fourze at every chance he gets and manages to overpower him every time, only forced to retreat every time due to various unforeseen circumstances, like Kamen Rider Fourze managing to learn how to immobilize him and proceed to toast him with Fire States' powers. Furthermore, openly rejecting Hayami's offer to learn from him, Kijima started a bitter rivalry with the principal as he acts on his own whim with Gamou's approval. While learning Kamen Rider Meteor's identity, Kijima somehow manages to evoke the latent Supernova powers of Cancer on his own, enabling him to transform into the more crab-like Cancer Nova (キャンサー・ノヴァ, Kyansā Nova?), with an even more impregnable armor than his Cancer Zodiarts form. This amuses Gamou even more, although the chairman does muse behind Kijima's back that the Cancer Zodiarts's evolution is going too fast. After being defeated in his Supernova form by Kamen Rider Meteor's newly obtained Meteor Storm form, Kijima limps onto the AGHS campus and drops his Zodiarts Switch, which Principal Hayami takes. Though Kijima pleads with the principal, saying that he knows the true identity of Kamen Rider Meteor and the information would prove useful enough to win back Gamou's favor, Hayami states his intent to do away with him regardless. Finding himself in the form of a meddling detective by Hayami's illusion, Kijima is sent to the Dark Nebula by an unsuspecting Virgo Zodiarts after Hayami talks her into it. Hayami later conceals his actions by claiming that Kijima had died in battle and gives Gamou the Cancer Switch.
The kanji that make up his given name Natsuji (夏児?) are read in the on'yomi method as kani (かに?), the Japanese word for "crab."
Natsuji Kijima is portrayed by Soran Tamoto (タモト 清嵐, Tamoto Soran?).
Gemini : Dark Yuki
With the original Yuki becoming less and less dominate, Dark Yuki began the ceremony of death and rebirth where Yuki would disappear forever. However, when Gentaro shows the ticket Yuki gave him to go to space with her when Gentaro moved away back when he was a kid, Yuki regained her face and Dark Yuki lost dominance.
Enraged, Dark Yuki became the Gemini Zodiarts, but the transformation did nothing to sway the weakening. While initially having an advantage over Fourze, the Rider used the Meteor Storm Switch after Ryusei threw it to him to absorb the Cosmic Energy of the Gemini's Supernova technique and one of her red cards, and later destroyed Dark Yuki with the Rider Super Galaxy Finish.
Her Horoscopes Switch was retrieved by Leo.
Pyxis : Hiroki Makise
After seeing her with Gentaro, overpowered by Kamen Rider Fourze and the Powerdizer in their first fight, a heart-broken Makise decides to make Yuki pay for her choice in friends. To that end, he pretends to help Yuki find the missing locker that connects to the Rabbit Hatch so he can destroy it, succeeding by redirecting the missiles from Fourze's Launcher Module.
Soon after, Makise decides to exact his revenge on every other girl who rejected him by having them get on a bus which he would force over an unfinished bridge. However, after the Zodiarts Switch assumes the Last One state, the Pyxis Zodiarts's scheme fails when Kamen Rider Fourze Elek States uses the Stealth Module to move around unseen, breaking the horns on his arms off with his Billy the Rod while he is at it. Rendered powerless, the Pyxis Zodiarts is quickly destroyed, with Makise back in his body as he receives swift and brutal retaliation from the girls.
He made a brief reappearance during the Aquarius incident, taking the same Astronaut Quiz as the KRC were. He was later singled out before the second test.
Obtaining a Zodiarts Switch, Makise becomes the Pyxis Zodiarts(ピクシス・ゾディアーツ, Pikushisu Zodiātsu) and uses his dowsing rod-like horns to track down anything and also direct the motion of any object he points them at. In combat, the Pyxis Zodiarts can use the mentioned horns to slash his opponent, though in a very ineffective manner as Makise himself is not a competent fighter.
Capricorn: Tojiro Goto
Tojiro Goto (五藤 東次郎, Gotō Tōjirō) is a new transfer student to AGHS. He is also the Capricorn Zodiarts (カプリコーン・ゾディアーツ, Kapurikōn Zodiātsu), who evolved from Lyra Zodiarts, aHoroscopes with ear-shattering abilities. He was found by using Libra Zodiarts' Eye of Laplace, being suitable to be the Capricorn Zodiarts by transcending the Lyra constellation.
Goto is a hot-blooded youth who loves rock music and carry his electric guitar everywhere he goes. He also wants fame and the wealth of a rock star, which lead him to find JK to remake their band.

Despite his tendency to act with no restraint, he can actually be intelligent and underhanded as he managed to convince JK to do their gig using his guilt and insecurities
In Junior High, Goto and JK formed a band called Gene Goto but it did not do very well due to Goto's terrible guitar playing and JK's terrible singing. Upon coming to AGHS, he becomes the Capricorn Zodiarts and later tracks down JK after finding out he is the host DJ Gene on a popular radio show, in order to reform their band as Gene Goto Dark Night Carnival. However, Goto really wants to use the radio show as a means to brainwash their listeners into becoming crazed fans. When JK discovers this, he tries to cancel the program, but Goto reminding him of JK's father's past changes JK's mind, and JK quits the Kamen Rider Club upon revealing they will have a live show a few days later.
However, Gentaro, having been taught a song by JK's father that he used to sing to his son when growing up, manages to get through to JK who realizes that he should not be attaining his dream like this. Despite Gentaro's poor ability with the guitar, and the Capricorn Zodiarts' jeering, Gentaro manages to break his spell on the student body, enfuriating him. He battles Kamen Rider Fourze once more, but with JK's return to Gentaro's circle of friends, he is able to utilize Cosmic States once more and the Capricorn Zodiarts is defeated before he can even use the Supernova abilities Gamou gave him.
Goto is then spirited away to Gamou's headquarters where his Capricorn Switch is confiscated and his memory of being Capricorn erased, rather than being banished to the Dark Nebula. It is shown that he's doing a lot better, now having a smoother relationship with JK.
As the Capricorn Zodiarts, he is armed with the Multi-Stringed Koto Uruk (多弦琴 ウルク, Tagenkin Uruku), an electric guitar which can manipulate sounds. He can attack by just playing the Uruk, getting it to fire yellow-coloured music lines at what he targets or uses them to bind opponents with. If all else fails, he can just swing the Uruk as a melee weapon.
In Goto's hands, the Uruk can also resonates the Horoscopes' power in their switches, making them stronger and even increase musical talent (his or others). This ability was powerful enough to give Gamo a vision of the location of the Core Switch, a powerful Switch he had thought long lost. By playing the Uruk, it also enraptures and brainwash es people with the music it plays, making them love the music and behave oddly, such as becoming addicted to rock music and engage in playing instruments, singing rock music, or acting out of control with an adrenaline crash that can go on for days,mainly draining their life energy. This brainwashing was so strong that, at its peak, people under the influence of the Uruk were not even phased by the sight of the Capricorn Zodiarts. He was also given Supernova abilities by Gamo but never got the chance to use them.

Aquarius: Erin Suda
Erin Suda (エリーヌ 須田, Erīnu Suda) is a 3rd-year transfer student to AGHS from the United States. She is also the Aquaris Zodiarts (アクエリアス・ゾディアーツ, Akueriasu Zodiātsu), who evolved from a unspecified Zodiarts, a Horoscopes with tedious abilities. She was found by Libra using his Eye of Laplace.
She's a little easily excitable and loves space almost as much as Yuki does. She's also taken with Gentaro, as it is a combination of jealously to Yuki over how close she is to Gentaro and how strong her desire is to go to space that she's made it clear she wants to be the best one in the astronaut exams. She is also cold and caculating, and takes no shenanigans with the exams.
Due to her history of being raised in the United States, Erin's Japanese is far from perfect, and she mixes up words that sound somewhat similar, such as "flawless" (無欠, Muketsu) and "filthy" (不潔, Fuketsu).
Erin Suda was transferred to AGHS from an American school to pursue her dreams of becoming an astronaut, because her father was one and she looked up to him, even though he retired before ever going into space. She seeks to be the first in her family to go into space, and does her best to be even better at the astronaut tests than Yuki. She wants to be an astronaut because her father was one also, but he was never able to go into space because he was outdone by someone who had less skill, but was more charismatic.

She takes up the Aquarius Switch because of the advantages a Zodiarts body will give her in space later on in her career, but vows to become an astronaut on her own skill. Erin accidentally reveals herself to Gentaro because of her shoddy Japanese. So he strikes a deal with her; if Yuki aces the Astronaut Selection Exams, Erin will give Gentaro her Zodiarts Switch.
However, things are ever that simple. After the second exam, Erin's hatred for Yuki reached it's zenith when she went back to the exam room and found a missing piece that she needed for her robot design for the second exam (where her group instead used Yuki's design), and deluded herself into thinking Yuki hid it on purpose and began a blind rampage.
During the third exam, Erin got away from her partner Kengo, transformed in Aquarius, and threw Yuki down a hillside, causing her to sprain her ankle. However, Gentaro, having crashed in front of Kengo and Erin from space, told her the real meaning of the Exams, and also revealed that Yuki was instructed to cheat, with Kengo getting similar instructions. She realised the error she had made, and went back to heal Yuki, even if it meant revealing her Zodiarts identity.
After that and finishing the exams, Erin challanged Fourze to a final fight, as she was loyal to Gamo even after all she had been through. Gentaro respected her wishes, and arrived at their challenge in the rain. During the fight, her healing jars are shattered thanks to a Claw Switch-powered Barizun Sword attack from Cosmic States. Gentaro took the opportunity, and Erin was then was hit with a Rider Super Galaxy Finish, destroying her Zodiarts form. Gentaro grabbed and held her in a single arm, and she thanked him as she vanished into thin air in a blue veil. Virgo later collected her and her Horoscopes Switch, wiping away her memories of being a Horoscopes, which allowed her to start anew her friendship with Gentaro and Yuki.
As the Aquarius Zodiarts, she is armed with the Nectar (ネクタル, Nekutaru) multi-headed whip, which can stretch to great lengths.
This Zodiarts also has the ability to emit water from the jar-like shoulder pads, which has the power to heal any inflicted wounds or bouts of sickness. When in battle, they automatically heal any injury the Aquarius Zodiarts has sustained. This healing ability is strong enough to repair damage from a Rider Super Galaxy Finish from Fourze's Cosmic States. If one of the shoulder pads is destroyed, then the other would heal the damaged shoulder. The only way to negate the healing ability the Aquarius Zodiarts has is to destroy both shoulder pads at once, as Fourze did with the Claw Switch-powered slash from the Barizun Sword. Erin never manage to Master her own Switch, only Tatsugami master all of it to track down his victim.
Taurus : Yuta Sugiura
Yuta Sugiura (杉浦 雄太, Sugiura Yuta) is a 3rd-year student, as well as AGHS's acting student body president. He's also theTaurus Zodiarts (タウラス・ゾディアーツ, Taurasu Zodiātsu), who evolved from a unspecified Zodiarts, a Horoscopes with abilities over people he had sign a contract.
He was found by Libra using his Eye of Laplace while doing the final Astronaut Selection Exam.Sugiura is generally a not a bad person (and at first agreed completely with AGHS's individuality), making the Amanogawa Campus Bylaws that limited students' individual freedoms on the wishes of Sayaka Mibu after she was hospitalized, and due to his own feelings for her. But in order for the bylaws to work, he is not above using his powers as the Taurus Zodiarts to submit students to his will in order for them to fit Mibu's image.
While participating in the school's annual Astronaut Selection Exam, Sugiura is found by the Libra Zodiarts whose Eye of Laplace show him to have the potential to evolve into the Taurus Zodiarts. Prior to being given the switch, he argued with Sayaka over changing the school rules. Sugiura supported the students' freedoms, while Sayaka wanted stricter rules. Behind these arguements, however, Sugiura had strong feelings for Sayaka. When a quartet of students began to abuse their freedoms. Sayaka went to confront them alone, and they shoved her down a flight of stairs. After Sayaka was hospitalized when she fell down the stairs when confronting the four students, Sugiura was installed as acting student coucil president. Once given the Taurus Switch, Sugiura decides to make changes to the various rules around school based on his feelings for her, forcing everyone to stick to a strict dress code and limiting the individuality of the student body.
After getting Gentaro and JK under his control, Kamen Rider Meteor fights him with the Taurus Zodiarts about to make the final blow until he is interrupted by the Virgo Zodiarts. Virgo explains that Meteor could be useful when under his control. Meteor then challenges Taurus to what he's best at in order to break his hold, which is golf.
While Yuta had the better experience, Meteor's hard work managed to have him win the match. Enraged on being beaten, Yuta went back on his word and attacked Meteor. However, Gentaro gets Sayaka to convince Sugiura to break his hold, finally admitting that it isn't right to manipulate others in order to get what you want. Gentaro befriends him, and Sugiura returns to himself just as Virgo arrives. Though the Virgo Zodiarts offers him a final chance to redeem himself, the change of heart was total. Sugiura transformed into the Taurus Zodiarts one final time, screamed "I DON'T WORK FOR YOU PEOPLE ANYMORE!" and charged the senior Horoscopes, only to be sent into the Dark Nebula while his Taurus Switch was taken and given to Gamou. Though, Sugiura is revealed to be very much alive, but in a suspend animation in the M-BUS.As the acting student body president, Sugiura makes decisions such as changes to the AGHS school rules. Any who do not oblige to these rules would be physically punished or challenged to a game where Sugiura becomes the Taurus Zodiarts. As the Taurus Zodiarts, his main power is to force people into keeping with a contracted promise through the use of his wand called Gu-anna (グアンナ, Guanna) as well as taking people's souls and turning them into loyal drones, doing so to the student council and most of the school. He is also physically imposing, being both strong and surprisingly fast in close combat, which he uses to his advantage in battle.
Altar: Ritsuko Usaka
Ritsuko Usaka (鵜坂 律子, Usaka Ritsuko) is a girl who has been blamed for various unexplained incidents in Amanogawa High due to her tendency to isolate herself and have certain psychic powers, much like Tomoko. She gives into the persecution and becomes the bad girl everyone perceives her to be as she forms her own witches' coven called the Lunar Witches (月世界の魔女) with other scorned social outcasts.

When her plan is ruined, she becomes infuriated and overpowers Kamen Rider Fourze in battle. Upon transforming into Fire States, Kamen Rider Fourze absorbs her fire-based attacks before destroying her Zodiarts form with the Rider Exploding Shoot.
She returns later on during the Coma incident, where she once considered taking Gentaro to the dance, but the Rider's questioning hurted her feelings and declined the thought. She was later seen with Ryusei Sakuta, who went with her under a threat from Tomoko.
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