Shocker is once again reformed as the Neo-Shocker organization, playing a role in numerous disappearances and terrorist attacks against the Japanese government. Spreading their influence across the world, their goal is the genocide of about two thirds of the current human population on Earth with them as the dominant majority. Though the other branches are succeeding unopposed, only the Japan branch is making no progress due to the interference of Skyrider.

General Monster/Yamorijin (ゼネラルモンスター/ヤモリジン Zeneraru Monsutā/Yamorijin?, 1-17): The first chief of Neo-Shocker's japanese branch, armed with a cane. Eventually promoted, Monster underwent a modification into Yamorijin, a gecko cyborg. Due to recent failure he was presented with the red eye, which signals that if he fails for a final time he will be terminated. He was executed by the Admiral Majin after defeated by Skyrider's Sky Kick. He is revived by Badan Empire in Kamen Rider Spirits vol. 8, kidnapping people in Sapporo. He eventually destroyed by Kamen Rider ZX by Rider Spin Shot and crashed to
Admiral Majin.
Admiral Majin (魔人提督 Majin Teitoku?, 17-53): The second and final chief of the Neo-Shocker organization. He was the only Neo-Shocker member with no kaijin form. He was executed by the Great Boss after being defeated by Kamen Rider #2, Kamen Rider Stronger, and Skyrider's triple kick. He is revived by Badan Empire in Kamen Rider Spirits vol. 8, confronting Skyrider in Mashu Lake. But eventually destroyed by Skyrider's Dragonfly Chute and crashing with Yamorijin.
Mukadenjin (ムカデンジン Mukadenjin?, 8): A cyborg who can use his centipede tail to attack who was originally Makoto Shindō (進藤眞 Shindō Makoto?), a karate expert tricked by Neo-Shocker to be converted. Posing as a fugitive whose alterations were incomplete, Makoto attempts to win Tsukuba's trust in order to take him to the Neo-Shocker base where he was altered. However, revealing that he was aware of the trap the entire time, Skyrider kills Mukadenjin off with his Sky Kick.
Cobranjin (コブランジン Koburanjin?, 9): A cobra cyborg, able to control snakes, with a snake's head for a left hand that spews a flammable venom. He was sent by Neo-Shocker to gather the best skilled fighters to create a Murder Army. Posing as a man with shades to conceal his snake eyes, his uses his Cobra Hypnosis to recruit Puncher Suzuki the boxer and Mister Kairiki the wrestler. After his attempt to recruit Tsukuba's mentor Miyoshi failed, Cobranjin ends up fighting SkyRider. Kidnapping Ryouji Miyoshi and placing him in a snake pit, Cobranjin tricks Miyoshi to come to his son's aid so he can complete his army. But when Sky Rider saves the boy, as Miyoshi takes down the Murder Army, he battles Cobranjin before causing him to explode after hitting him with his Sky Kick.
Kaningerjin (カニンガージン Kaningājin?, 10): A crab cyborg who can shoot acid foam from the claw on his left arm. He was first send to an oil refinery in the Keihin Industrial Complex, killing off any non-Neo-Shocker personnel in the area so the Ari Commandos can place dynamite under the complex to blow it up. However, a young boy named Takumi Kamiyama witnessed it and Kaningerjin attempted to silence him and three other boys. Managing to lure Sky Rider away from where the boys and the time bomb are located, Kaningerjin fights the Kamen Rider before his claw is broken. Skyrider then uses his Sky Kick to destroy Kaningerjin before disarming the bomb.
Sanshojin (サンショウジン Sanshōjin?, 11): A salmander cyborg with a whip who modeled after a Japanese giant salamander that the Ari Commanders acquired in the Tanzawa mountain, thus he can travel via water. He targets middle school athletes and brings them to Hell Valley to make them into assassins for the upcoming Junior Olympics. Taking advantage of Sanshoujin, Tsukuba manages to save the youths and manage to get them to safety. However, Sanshoujin captures Jiro, one of the young athletes, to kill SkyRider for his interference. However, Sanshoujin is Sky Kicked onto one of his electric hurdlers and is vaporized.
Namekujin (ナメクジン Namakujin?, 12): A slug Cyborg who can turn himself into slime and fire a flesh-eating enzyme on his victims. During Christmas Eve, Namekujin has Ari Commandos abduct people with those unable to perform menial labor be subjected to Namekujin's enzymes. But the abductions caught Tsukuba's attention as he follows the Ari Commandos to Neo-Shocker's headquarters, posing as one of them to infiltrate the base. However, when Tsukuba attempts to assume his Kamen Rider form, Namekujin disables the Tornado belt with his quick-drying M.O. Enyzme. After getting the captives to safety to the top of a skyscraper, managing to transform in a near-death drop, Sky Rider uses his Sky Kick to have Namekujin dissolve while the Neo-Shocker base explodes.
Arijigokujin (アリジゴクジン Arijigokujin?, 13): An antlion cyborg armed with the Hell's Whip who can swim through dirt and create sinkholes in his Ant-Hell attack. He is summoned by General Monster to wipe out all of Tokyo with the Plus-Alpha Bomb, forcing its creator Professor Imai to set it up. But when Imai manages to escape his captor while he takes the bomb to Tokyo Tower, Tsukuba is made aware of the plot. However, after tricking, SkyRider into entering a deathtrap, Arijigokujin hides the bomb the basement of Maritime Science Hall. When SkyRider locates the bomb, Arijigokujin decides to die a Martyr to the Neo-Shocker cause before being mortally wounded by SkyRider's Centrifugal Throw/Sky Kick combo.
Haejigokujin (ハエジゴクジン Haejigokujin?, 14): A venus flytrap with knowledge on Skyrider's abilities, armed with a whip. Using an amusement park as a front, Haejigokujin engineered a scheme of placing his deadly Hell's Flora pollen, containing the deadly Dokuda enzyme, in balloons that would pop via remote control over Tokyo and cause an epidemic. However, with Tani's aid, Tsukuba foils the scheme while it is still in the testing phase. After disposing of SkyRider, Haejigokujin captures the Kamen Rider's friends to enact the final test of his poison. However, surviving the trap, SkyRider covers his friends' escape while destorying the underground lab. Once mortally wounded by SkyRider's Sky Kick, Haejiguokujin explodes while realizing SkyRider is stronger then he perceived.
Aokabijin (アオカビジン Aokabijin?, 15): A penicillium monster. Destroyed by Skyrider's Sky Kick.
Gokiburijin (ゴキブリジン Gokiburijin?, 16): A cockroach monster created by Professor Doc. Destroyed by Skyrider's Sky Kick.
Shibirayjin (シビレイジン Shibireijin?, 18): A stingray monster. Destroyed by Skyrider's Sky Kick.
Okamijin (オオカミジン Ōkamijin?, 19): A wolf monster. Destroyed by Skyrider's Sky Kick.
Sai Dump (サイダンプ Sai Danpu?, 20-21): A rhinoceros monster. Destroyed by Skyrider's Big Revolving Sky Kick.
Kurageron (クラゲロン Kurageron?, 20-21): A jellyfish monster. Destroyed by Kamen Rider Stronger's Super Electron Drill Kick.
Kogoensky (コゴエンスキー Kogoensukī?, 22): A yeti monster. Destroyed by Skyrider's Sky Kick.
Musasabader Brothers (ムササベーダー兄弟 Musasabēdā Kyōdai?, 23): Two flying squirrel monsters, whiteBader (ベイダー Bēdā?) and brown Beder (ビーダー Bīdā?). Bader was destroyed by Kamen Rider V3 and Skyrider's V3 Kick and Sky Kick, and Beder was destroyed by Skyrider's Sky Kick.
Madarakajin (マダラカジン Madarakajin?, 24): A mosquito monster. Destroyed by Skyrider's Sky Kick.
Zogameron (ゾウガメロン Zōgameron?, 25): A tortoise monster. His wife's name is Elsa (エルザ Eruza?). Destroyed by Skyrider's Sky Kick.
Bongo (ボンゴ Bongo?, 25): A baby tortoise monster. Died with Elsa by Zogameron.
Dokuganba (ドクガンバ Dokuganba?, 26):A moth monster. Destroyed by Skyrider's Sky Kick.
Hirubiran (ヒルビラン Hirubiran?, 27): A leech monster. Destroyed in a tank explosion by 8 Riders' attack.
Gurand Bazarmy (グランバザーミー Guran Bazāmī?, 27-28): A longhorn beetle monster. Destroyed by Skyrider's Three-point Drop.
Hikarabeeno (ヒカラビーノ Hikarabīno?, 29): A mummy monster. Destroyed by Skyrider's Sky Screw Kick.
Obakuron (オオバクロン Ōbakuron?, 30): A tapir monster. Destroyed by Skyrider's Finishing Mid-air Lightning Drop.
Torikabutron (トリカブトロン Torikabutoron?, 31-32): A monkshood monster. Destroyed by Kamen Rider X's X Kick.
Golden Jaguar (黄金ジャガー Ōgon Jagā?, 31-32): A melanistic jaguar monster. Destroyed by Skyrider's Sky Kick.
Dobunezugon (ドブネズゴン Dobunezugon?, 33): A brown rat monster. Destroyed by Skyrider's Rider Moonsault.
Mantle Kong (マントコング Manto Kongu?, 34-35): A baboon/gorilla monster. Destroyed by Kamen Rider V3's V3 Kick.
Tako Gang (タコギャング Tako Gyangu?, 34-35): An octopus monster. Destroyed by Skyrider's Sky Kick.
Kiginger (キギンガー Kigingā?, 36-37): A plant monster. Destroyed by Skyrider's Sky Kick.
Dragon King (ドラゴンキング? Doragon Kingu) 36-37: A Komodo dragon monster. Destroyed by Kamen Rider #2 and Skyrider's 2 Rider Kick and Sky Kick.
Gamagiras (ガマギラス Gamagirasu?, 38): A toad monster. Destroyed by Skyrider's Sky Arms Drop.
Uni Demon (ウニデーモン Unidēmon?, 39-40): A sea urchin monster. Destroyed by Kamen Rider 2's Rider Kick.
Okappa Priest (オカッパ法師 Okappa Hōshi?, 39-40): A kappa monster. Destroyed by Skyrider's Sky Kick.
Kuchi Yurei (クチユウレイ Kuchi Yūrei?, 41): A mouth monster. Destroyed by Skyrider's Sky Kick.
Zombieda (ゾンビーダ Zonbīda?, 42): A zombie monster. Destroyed by Skyrider's Sky Flying Saucer.
Miminger (ミミンガー Mimingā?, 43): An elephant monster. Destroyed by Skyrider's Fūjin Hell Drop.
Doronyango (ドロニャンゴー Doronyangō?, 44): A black cat monster. Destroyed by Skyrider's Sky Kick.
Abunger (アブンガー Abungā?, 45-47): A cockroach monster. Destroyed by Skyrider's Sky Double Kick.
Hebinger (ヘビンガー Hebingā?, 45): A white snake monster. Destroyed by Skyrider's Sky Kick.
Kagami Tokage (カガミトカゲー Kagami Tokagē?, 46): A lizard monster. Destroyed by Skyrider's Sky Big Circle Kick.

Dororingo (ドロリンゴ Dororingo?, 48): A mud apple mollusca monster with clone-generating powers and had an ability that it used to become three Fake Skyriders (ニセスカイライダー Nise Sukairaidā?). Destroyed by Skyrider's Sky Kick.
Zanyoju (ザンヨウジュー Zanyōjū?, 49): A trilobite monster. Destroyed by Skyrider's Sky Kick.
Tagameras (タガメラス Tagamerasu?, 50): A giant water bug monster. Destroyed by Skyrider's Sky Flying Saucer.
Ring Bear (リングベア Ringu Bea?, 51): A bear monster. Destroyed by Skyrider's Sky Kick.
Commander Hebizuka (隊長蛇塚 Taichō Hebizuka?, 52): The snake monster chief of the Ari Command Training School (アリコマンド養成所 Ari Komando Yōseijo?). Destroyed by Kamen Rider Stronger and Skyrider.
Armadig (アルマジーグ Arumajīgu?, movie): An armadillo monster. Destroyed by Kamen Rider #1's Rider Kick.
Jaguar Van (ジャガーバン Jagā Ban?, movie): A jaguar monster. Destroyed by Kamen Rider #1's Rider Kick.

Suddendas (サドンダス Sadondasu?, movie): A dragon monster. Destroyed by Skyrider's Pile Drop.
Galaxy King's Soldiers (movie): Robot footsoldier.
Second Generation Cyborg Corps (改造人間二世部隊 Kaizō Ningen Nisei Butai?, movie): Destroyed by the 7 Riders.
Sai Dump:
Musasabader Brothers:

Admiral Majin (魔人提督 Majin Teitoku?, 17-53): The second and final chief of the Neo-Shocker organization. He was the only Neo-Shocker member with no kaijin form. He was executed by the Great Boss after being defeated by Kamen Rider #2, Kamen Rider Stronger, and Skyrider's triple kick. He is revived by Badan Empire in Kamen Rider Spirits vol. 8, confronting Skyrider in Mashu Lake. But eventually destroyed by Skyrider's Dragonfly Chute and crashing with Yamorijin.
Galaxy King (銀河王 Ginga Ō?, movie, Kamen Rider × Kamen Rider Fourze & OOO): A mechanical alien invader that Neo-Shocker formed an alliance with. Destroyed in his spaceship explosion.
Ari Commandos (アリコマンド Ari Komando?): Ant-like footsoldiers in black of Neo-Shocker who are the common foot soldiers. They are armed with staff weapons.
Skull Assassination Squad (ドクロ暗殺隊 Dokuro Ansatsu Tai?, 53-54): Skull-masked elite guard who wield swords and crossbows.
Neo-Shocker Scientists:
Scientists and technicians of Neo-Shocker that are dressed in white.
Professor Doc (プロフェッサー・ドク Puroffesā Doku?, 16-18): A friend of General Monster. After General Monster died, he was sentenced to death by Admiral Majin and killed by Shibirayjin.
Doctor Meteor (ドクター・メテオ Dokutā Meteo?, 38): An authority on brain surgery. Killed by Kamen Rider Stronger's Electro Shock.
Professor Doc (プロフェッサー・ドク Puroffesā Doku?, 16-18): A friend of General Monster. After General Monster died, he was sentenced to death by Admiral Majin and killed by Shibirayjin.
Doctor Meteor (ドクター・メテオ Dokutā Meteo?, 38): An authority on brain surgery. Killed by Kamen Rider Stronger's Electro Shock.
Doctor X (ドクターX Dokutā Ekkusu?, 52): He repairs or scraps Ari Commandos in a dock disguised as a pediatric clinic.
Shiroari Commandos (白アリコマンド Shiroari Komando?): Termite-like scientists who assist in the conversion of humans into cyborgs.
Shiroari Commandos (白アリコマンド Shiroari Komando?): Termite-like scientists who assist in the conversion of humans into cyborgs.
Neo-Shocker Kaijin
Cyborgs created by Neo-Shocker, some being equipped with acid to dissolve anything and anyone it touches. When killed, the body of earlier Neo-Shocker Kaijin would disintegrate, leaving no evidence that would confirm Neo-Shocker's existence to the public. Later more animal-like models would usually spontaneous combust with only ashes remaining of them.
Cyborgs created by Neo-Shocker, some being equipped with acid to dissolve anything and anyone it touches. When killed, the body of earlier Neo-Shocker Kaijin would disintegrate, leaving no evidence that would confirm Neo-Shocker's existence to the public. Later more animal-like models would usually spontaneous combust with only ashes remaining of them.
Gameleojin (ガメレオジン Gamereojin?, 1): A chameleon-based cyborg who can use his tongue as a weapon while able to blend in his environment and assume the forms of others. Deployed to capture Professor Shido, Gameleojin murders Tsukuba's friends in retaliation for the young man's first interference. Managing to mortally wound Tsukuba, Gameleojin was originally welcoming the converted cyborg to Neo-Shocker's ranks until ordered to execute him. Though fatally wounded by Skyrider's Sky Kick, Gameleojin gloated that the Kamen Rider would die as well in his final breath.
Kumonjin (クモンジン Kumonjin?, 2): A jumping spider cyborg who was originally Specimen 105, a prideful middle aged man with a scar on his face. To test of his abilities, Kumojin captures Shinichi Takamori, an ideal candidate for the Remodelling process. He later meets Skyrider, unaware that he is an enemy, Kumojin unknowingly takes him to Shinichi. Learning too late that the Kamen Rider is his enemy, Kumojin is unable to stop him from taking his captive. The cyborg later tracks Tsukuba to kill him for his meddling before General Monster orders recapture Shinichi, forced to capture his younger brother Kenji Takamori instead to hold ransom. But the scheme to capture Shinichi again fails and Kumojin is dissolved by
SkyRider's SkyKick.
Komorujin (コウモルジン Kōmorujin?, 3): A vampire bat cyborg who assumes the guise of an eldery park groundskeeper. He uses a special flute to hypnotize children so he can bite them and place them in frozen storage in truck. Once thawed in Bat Base, the children are drained of their blood so their RHB can be used to create a poisonous gas. When, Komorujin until Tonda's interference revealed the cyborg's weakness to flashes. The next day, Komorujin pursues a boy named Satoru after he witnessed him in his true form. After Shido placed a tracking device on Satrou, Skyrider tracks down Komorujin to his Bat-Base and uses his Super Light Wave to blind the cyborg while destroying his flute. As Satoru gets the other children to safety, Skyrider dissolves Komoruijin with his grounding Sky Kick.
Sasoranjin (サソランジン Sasoranjin?, 4): A scorpion cyborg who was originally Miya Uemura (上村美也Uemura Miya?), a woman who was kidnapped by Neo-Shocker while visiting Mt. Daiba. Placed under General Monster's command via remote control, Miya is used as an assassin to murder any scientist who refuses to join Neo-Shocker and take their research. Realizing the attack pattern, Tsukuba and Shido lay a trap for Sasoranjin that results with the necklace, the receiver of General Monster's mind control, destroyed. Though Miya regains her memories, briefly reunited with her younger sister, a planned flaw in her system causes Miya to revert to her cyborg form. But Sasoranjin retains her free will as she is mortally wounded by arrows from Ari Commandos in her attempt to kill General Monster. By the time Skyrider arrived, Sasoranjin reverts to her human form and dies
while asking the Kamen Rider to look after her sister.
Dokubachijin (ドクバチジン Dokubachijin?, 5): A wasp cyborg whose base of operations was on an island which Neo-Shocker used to capture the airliner OAL 404 which the scientist Professor Tashiro is on. When Tsukuba interferes in the Ari Commandos' abduction of Tashiro's wife and their daughter Emi. Dokubachijin attacks him before forced to fall back when his poison needles are useless against Skyrider. When Tsukuba finds the island with Emi's help, Dokubachijin is defeated by Skyrider's Sky Kick and dissolves soon after.
Kinokojin (キノコジン Kinokojin?, 6): A mushroom cyborg augmented with a special mushroom with near unlimited energy and able to spew a deadly spore mist. When Tsukuba investigates Devil's Mountain Pass, Kinokojin mimics Yukie's appearance to kill the Kamen Rider when his guard is down while visiting a girl named Kumikoin the hospital. However, exposed by his cold hands, Kinokojin uses his spores to manipulate Tsukuba into drowning himself. But the seawater negates the spores and Tsukuba assume his Kamen Rider form and causes Kinokojin to dissolve with his Sky Kick.
Kamagirijin (カマギリジン Kamagirijin?, 7): A satanist mantis cyborg able to convert his arms into sickles that he uses in his deadly Kamagiri Boomerang attack. Kamagirijin is from Neo-Shocker's European branch, selected by other branches' leaders to assist the Japan Branch with SkyRider. Arriving in Tokyo in a casket, Kamagirijin assumes the form of a pierrot to find a sibling pair of a 13 year boy and a 7 year girl to sacrifice in order for his Satan Mantis clones to hatch and weed out the Japanese population. He manage to find his sacrificial lambs in Kyoko and her big brother Michiru before SkyRider drives him off. Refusing to give up, Kamagirijin sets up a distraction so he can get the children and proceeds with the ritual sacrifice. But SkyRider intervenes and kills Kamagirijin with his Sky Kick, causing the cyborg's base to explode with his eggs destroyed in the blast.

Cobranjin (コブランジン Koburanjin?, 9): A cobra cyborg, able to control snakes, with a snake's head for a left hand that spews a flammable venom. He was sent by Neo-Shocker to gather the best skilled fighters to create a Murder Army. Posing as a man with shades to conceal his snake eyes, his uses his Cobra Hypnosis to recruit Puncher Suzuki the boxer and Mister Kairiki the wrestler. After his attempt to recruit Tsukuba's mentor Miyoshi failed, Cobranjin ends up fighting SkyRider. Kidnapping Ryouji Miyoshi and placing him in a snake pit, Cobranjin tricks Miyoshi to come to his son's aid so he can complete his army. But when Sky Rider saves the boy, as Miyoshi takes down the Murder Army, he battles Cobranjin before causing him to explode after hitting him with his Sky Kick.

Sanshojin (サンショウジン Sanshōjin?, 11): A salmander cyborg with a whip who modeled after a Japanese giant salamander that the Ari Commanders acquired in the Tanzawa mountain, thus he can travel via water. He targets middle school athletes and brings them to Hell Valley to make them into assassins for the upcoming Junior Olympics. Taking advantage of Sanshoujin, Tsukuba manages to save the youths and manage to get them to safety. However, Sanshoujin captures Jiro, one of the young athletes, to kill SkyRider for his interference. However, Sanshoujin is Sky Kicked onto one of his electric hurdlers and is vaporized.
Namekujin (ナメクジン Namakujin?, 12): A slug Cyborg who can turn himself into slime and fire a flesh-eating enzyme on his victims. During Christmas Eve, Namekujin has Ari Commandos abduct people with those unable to perform menial labor be subjected to Namekujin's enzymes. But the abductions caught Tsukuba's attention as he follows the Ari Commandos to Neo-Shocker's headquarters, posing as one of them to infiltrate the base. However, when Tsukuba attempts to assume his Kamen Rider form, Namekujin disables the Tornado belt with his quick-drying M.O. Enyzme. After getting the captives to safety to the top of a skyscraper, managing to transform in a near-death drop, Sky Rider uses his Sky Kick to have Namekujin dissolve while the Neo-Shocker base explodes.
Arijigokujin (アリジゴクジン Arijigokujin?, 13): An antlion cyborg armed with the Hell's Whip who can swim through dirt and create sinkholes in his Ant-Hell attack. He is summoned by General Monster to wipe out all of Tokyo with the Plus-Alpha Bomb, forcing its creator Professor Imai to set it up. But when Imai manages to escape his captor while he takes the bomb to Tokyo Tower, Tsukuba is made aware of the plot. However, after tricking, SkyRider into entering a deathtrap, Arijigokujin hides the bomb the basement of Maritime Science Hall. When SkyRider locates the bomb, Arijigokujin decides to die a Martyr to the Neo-Shocker cause before being mortally wounded by SkyRider's Centrifugal Throw/Sky Kick combo.
Haejigokujin (ハエジゴクジン Haejigokujin?, 14): A venus flytrap with knowledge on Skyrider's abilities, armed with a whip. Using an amusement park as a front, Haejigokujin engineered a scheme of placing his deadly Hell's Flora pollen, containing the deadly Dokuda enzyme, in balloons that would pop via remote control over Tokyo and cause an epidemic. However, with Tani's aid, Tsukuba foils the scheme while it is still in the testing phase. After disposing of SkyRider, Haejigokujin captures the Kamen Rider's friends to enact the final test of his poison. However, surviving the trap, SkyRider covers his friends' escape while destorying the underground lab. Once mortally wounded by SkyRider's Sky Kick, Haejiguokujin explodes while realizing SkyRider is stronger then he perceived.
Aokabijin (アオカビジン Aokabijin?, 15): A penicillium monster. Destroyed by Skyrider's Sky Kick.
Gokiburijin (ゴキブリジン Gokiburijin?, 16): A cockroach monster created by Professor Doc. Destroyed by Skyrider's Sky Kick.
Shibirayjin (シビレイジン Shibireijin?, 18): A stingray monster. Destroyed by Skyrider's Sky Kick.
Okamijin (オオカミジン Ōkamijin?, 19): A wolf monster. Destroyed by Skyrider's Sky Kick.
Sai Dump (サイダンプ Sai Danpu?, 20-21): A rhinoceros monster. Destroyed by Skyrider's Big Revolving Sky Kick.
Kurageron (クラゲロン Kurageron?, 20-21): A jellyfish monster. Destroyed by Kamen Rider Stronger's Super Electron Drill Kick.
Kogoensky (コゴエンスキー Kogoensukī?, 22): A yeti monster. Destroyed by Skyrider's Sky Kick.
Musasabader Brothers (ムササベーダー兄弟 Musasabēdā Kyōdai?, 23): Two flying squirrel monsters, whiteBader (ベイダー Bēdā?) and brown Beder (ビーダー Bīdā?). Bader was destroyed by Kamen Rider V3 and Skyrider's V3 Kick and Sky Kick, and Beder was destroyed by Skyrider's Sky Kick.
Madarakajin (マダラカジン Madarakajin?, 24): A mosquito monster. Destroyed by Skyrider's Sky Kick.
Zogameron (ゾウガメロン Zōgameron?, 25): A tortoise monster. His wife's name is Elsa (エルザ Eruza?). Destroyed by Skyrider's Sky Kick.
Bongo (ボンゴ Bongo?, 25): A baby tortoise monster. Died with Elsa by Zogameron.
Dokuganba (ドクガンバ Dokuganba?, 26):A moth monster. Destroyed by Skyrider's Sky Kick.
Hirubiran (ヒルビラン Hirubiran?, 27): A leech monster. Destroyed in a tank explosion by 8 Riders' attack.
Gurand Bazarmy (グランバザーミー Guran Bazāmī?, 27-28): A longhorn beetle monster. Destroyed by Skyrider's Three-point Drop.
Kaijin the Second Generation Corps (怪人二世部隊 Kaijin Nisei Butai?, 27-28): They wear a yellow scarf. Destroyed by 7 Riders.
Okamijin: Destroyed by Gurand Bazarmy.
Sai Dump:
Musasabader (Beder):
Jaguar Van:
Obakuron (オオバクロン Ōbakuron?, 30): A tapir monster. Destroyed by Skyrider's Finishing Mid-air Lightning Drop.
Torikabutron (トリカブトロン Torikabutoron?, 31-32): A monkshood monster. Destroyed by Kamen Rider X's X Kick.
Golden Jaguar (黄金ジャガー Ōgon Jagā?, 31-32): A melanistic jaguar monster. Destroyed by Skyrider's Sky Kick.
Dobunezugon (ドブネズゴン Dobunezugon?, 33): A brown rat monster. Destroyed by Skyrider's Rider Moonsault.
Mantle Kong (マントコング Manto Kongu?, 34-35): A baboon/gorilla monster. Destroyed by Kamen Rider V3's V3 Kick.
Tako Gang (タコギャング Tako Gyangu?, 34-35): An octopus monster. Destroyed by Skyrider's Sky Kick.
Kiginger (キギンガー Kigingā?, 36-37): A plant monster. Destroyed by Skyrider's Sky Kick.
Dragon King (ドラゴンキング? Doragon Kingu) 36-37: A Komodo dragon monster. Destroyed by Kamen Rider #2 and Skyrider's 2 Rider Kick and Sky Kick.
Gamagiras (ガマギラス Gamagirasu?, 38): A toad monster. Destroyed by Skyrider's Sky Arms Drop.
Uni Demon (ウニデーモン Unidēmon?, 39-40): A sea urchin monster. Destroyed by Kamen Rider 2's Rider Kick.
Okappa Priest (オカッパ法師 Okappa Hōshi?, 39-40): A kappa monster. Destroyed by Skyrider's Sky Kick.
Kuchi Yurei (クチユウレイ Kuchi Yūrei?, 41): A mouth monster. Destroyed by Skyrider's Sky Kick.
Zombieda (ゾンビーダ Zonbīda?, 42): A zombie monster. Destroyed by Skyrider's Sky Flying Saucer.
Miminger (ミミンガー Mimingā?, 43): An elephant monster. Destroyed by Skyrider's Fūjin Hell Drop.
Doronyango (ドロニャンゴー Doronyangō?, 44): A black cat monster. Destroyed by Skyrider's Sky Kick.
Abunger (アブンガー Abungā?, 45-47): A cockroach monster. Destroyed by Skyrider's Sky Double Kick.
Hebinger (ヘビンガー Hebingā?, 45): A white snake monster. Destroyed by Skyrider's Sky Kick.
Kagami Tokage (カガミトカゲー Kagami Tokagē?, 46): A lizard monster. Destroyed by Skyrider's Sky Big Circle Kick.

Dororingo (ドロリンゴ Dororingo?, 48): A mud apple mollusca monster with clone-generating powers and had an ability that it used to become three Fake Skyriders (ニセスカイライダー Nise Sukairaidā?). Destroyed by Skyrider's Sky Kick.
Zanyoju (ザンヨウジュー Zanyōjū?, 49): A trilobite monster. Destroyed by Skyrider's Sky Kick.
Tagameras (タガメラス Tagamerasu?, 50): A giant water bug monster. Destroyed by Skyrider's Sky Flying Saucer.
Ring Bear (リングベア Ringu Bea?, 51): A bear monster. Destroyed by Skyrider's Sky Kick.
Commander Hebizuka (隊長蛇塚 Taichō Hebizuka?, 52): The snake monster chief of the Ari Command Training School (アリコマンド養成所 Ari Komando Yōseijo?). Destroyed by Kamen Rider Stronger and Skyrider.
Armadig (アルマジーグ Arumajīgu?, movie): An armadillo monster. Destroyed by Kamen Rider #1's Rider Kick.
Jaguar Van (ジャガーバン Jagā Ban?, movie): A jaguar monster. Destroyed by Kamen Rider #1's Rider Kick.

Suddendas (サドンダス Sadondasu?, movie): A dragon monster. Destroyed by Skyrider's Pile Drop.
Galaxy King's Soldiers (movie): Robot footsoldier.

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