Switcher: Tamae Sakuma; male Foundation X member
Episodes: 3-4, Movie War Mega Max, 25
Defeated by: Kamen Rider Fourze Base States' Rider Rocket Drill Kick
Tamae Sakuma
(佐久間 珠恵, Sakuma Tamae) is a third-year student who is in the cheerleading squad, in addition to being one of Miu Kazashiro's "sidekicks". However, Tamae has become tired of Miu's two-year winning streak in the annual Queen Festival, a contest that votes for the "queen" of the student body. To stop Miu from winning her third year so she would be able to win the contest herself, Tamae is given the Zodiarts Switch that allows her to become the Chameleon Zodiarts (カメレオン・ゾディアーツ, Kamereon Zodiātsu), a Zodiarts that can appear invisible as well as attack with its powerful tongue-like tendrils.
To orchestrate her plan to remove Miu from the contest, Tamae begins to attack students that could be potential threats to her success. Then, when Miu takes the stage for the talent competition, Tamae fakes being attacked herself so she would be able to transform and cause a commotion, allowing for a video of Miu lambasting the student body to play. When her identity is revealed, Tamae fakes remorse to catch Miu off guard and injures her severely to remove her from the contest. However, Miu musters up enough strength to return to school despite her yet-to-recover injuries and wins back the hearts of the student body with her powerful speech.
Tamae, enraged that her plan has failed, ignores Kengo's warning against using her Zodiarts Switch when it enters its Last One state. She attacks Miu as the Chameleon Zodiarts once more, but Kamen Rider Fourze is able to save the school's reigning "queen" and eventually destroys the Zodiarts with his Rider Rocket Drill Kick, gaining access to the Zodiarts Switch to shut it off. After Miu wins the contest for the third year in a row, she forgives Tamae for her actions, and renews their friendship under the promise that Tamae would beat Miu through honest means.
A second Chameleon Zodiarts appeared later on, this time an unnamed adult male affiliated with Foundation X, sent to defeat the gathered Heisei Riders.
A third Chameleon Zodiarts appeared and was believed to be Tamae who got a new Zodiarts Switch. However, what remained after a fight with Fourze in Elek States and Meteor was a clump of hair, and it was later revealed to be a fake created by the Coma Zodiarts.
To orchestrate her plan to remove Miu from the contest, Tamae begins to attack students that could be potential threats to her success. Then, when Miu takes the stage for the talent competition, Tamae fakes being attacked herself so she would be able to transform and cause a commotion, allowing for a video of Miu lambasting the student body to play. When her identity is revealed, Tamae fakes remorse to catch Miu off guard and injures her severely to remove her from the contest. However, Miu musters up enough strength to return to school despite her yet-to-recover injuries and wins back the hearts of the student body with her powerful speech.
Tamae, enraged that her plan has failed, ignores Kengo's warning against using her Zodiarts Switch when it enters its Last One state. She attacks Miu as the Chameleon Zodiarts once more, but Kamen Rider Fourze is able to save the school's reigning "queen" and eventually destroys the Zodiarts with his Rider Rocket Drill Kick, gaining access to the Zodiarts Switch to shut it off. After Miu wins the contest for the third year in a row, she forgives Tamae for her actions, and renews their friendship under the promise that Tamae would beat Miu through honest means.
A second Chameleon Zodiarts appeared later on, this time an unnamed adult male affiliated with Foundation X, sent to defeat the gathered Heisei Riders.
A third Chameleon Zodiarts appeared and was believed to be Tamae who got a new Zodiarts Switch. However, what remained after a fight with Fourze in Elek States and Meteor was a clump of hair, and it was later revealed to be a fake created by the Coma Zodiarts.

Switcher: Fumihiro Nitta; female Foundation X member
Episodes: 5-6, Movie War Mega Max
Defeated by: Kamen Rider Fourze Elek States' Rider Ten Billion Volt Break
Episodes: 5-6, Movie War Mega Max
Defeated by: Kamen Rider Fourze Elek States' Rider Ten Billion Volt Break
(新田 文博, Nitta Fumihiro) is a first-year student member of the fencing team who has a grudge against JK for being used by him to be his human shield from bullies. The Scorpion Zodiarts gives him a Zodiarts Switch that allows him to transform into the Unicorn Zodiarts (ユニコーン・ゾディアーツ, Yunikōn Zodiātsu). He is able to convert his horse-faced mask into the Longsword Monarch (長剣 モナーク, Chōken Monāku) rapier, and becomes a force to reckon with in a fight thanks to Nitta's already impressive fencing skills, though his non-weaponry fighting skills are frankly deplorable. After capturing JK, Nitta amusingly allows him to contact someone for help, with full knowledge that no one in his circle would save him, after scaring off much of them. However, Gentaro proves Nitta wrong as he manages to become Kamen Rider Fourze and assume Elek States for the first time and destroys the Zodiarts with the Rider Ten Billion Volt Break. Though JK intends to beat the daylights out of Nitta for the latter's boorish actions, Gentaro tells him not to.
A second Unicorn Zodiarts appeared later on, this time an unnamed adult female affiliated with Foundation X, sent to defeat the gathered Heisei Riders.
A second Unicorn Zodiarts appeared later on, this time an unnamed adult female affiliated with Foundation X, sent to defeat the gathered Heisei Riders.

Switcher: Teruhiko Sakate; male Foundation X member
Episodes: 7-8, Movie War Mega Max
Defeated by: Kamen Rider Fourze Elek States' Rider Lightning Drill Kick
Episodes: 7-8, Movie War Mega Max
Defeated by: Kamen Rider Fourze Elek States' Rider Lightning Drill Kick

Teruhiko Satake
(佐竹 輝彦, Satake Teruhiko) is the rebellious son of AGHS's Takashi Satake. Though he is a student who scores good grades, he is unhappy with his life and adopts delinquent hobbies and mannerisms. At some point, he receives a Zodiarts Switch from the Scorpion Zodiarts in order to transform into the Hound Zodiarts(ハウンド・ゾディアーツ, Haundo Zodiātsu) and uses his newly gained abilities to be himself and go on a rampage, or "hunting" as he calls it, attacking anyone nearby. He fights with his powerful claws and the chain that hangs around his neck. The Hound Zodiarts can also fire a barrage of needle-like energy bullets from the dog's face on his chest. Eventually in his Last One state, the Hound Zodiarts gains a thickened hide and none of the usual attacks from the Kamen Rider work on him. While the Scorpion Zodiarts supports the Hound Zodiarts in fighting Kamen Rider Fourze in Elek States, Shun Daimonji arrived in a big flair, he piloting the Powerdizer to hold the Scorpion off so the Kamen Rider can fight the Hound Zodiarts one-on-one. The Hound sent Fourze flying, though Shun snagged Fourze and sent him right back at the Hound, allowing Fourze to destroy him with the Rider Lightning Drill Kick.
A second Hound Zodiarts appeared later on, this time an unnamed adult male affiliated with Foundation X, sent to defeat the gathered Heisei Riders.
A second Hound Zodiarts appeared later on, this time an unnamed adult male affiliated with Foundation X, sent to defeat the gathered Heisei Riders.
Switcher: Soushi Matoyama
Episodes: 15-16
Defeated by: Kamen Rider Fourze Fire States' Rider Exploding Shoot; Kamen Rider Fourze Base States' Rider Rocket Drill Kick; Kamen Rider Meteor Storm attack

Soshi Motoyama
(元山 惣帥, Matoyama Sōshi) is the president of the AGHS art club who wishes to create a perfect piece of art. He is approached by the Libra Zodiarts and is given a Zodiarts Switch that allows him to transform into the serpent-like Perseus Zodiarts (ペルセウス・ゾディアーツ, Peruseusu Zodiātsu), arming him with the gigantic Oracle Sword (オラクルソード, Orakuru Sōdo) . He also has the Head of Medusa (ヘッドノメドゥーサHeddo no Medūsa) on his left hand, enabling him to turn anything he grabs with it to stone. Matoyama uses his power to attack and petrify anyone and anything that interferes in his work's creation. Thought his Last One form is destroyed by Kamen Rider Fourze Fire States, the Zodiarts Switch recreates the Perseus Zodiarts's body, as well as gaining the ability to fire petrification beams from his Medusa hand, making him far more dangerous than he was before before.
However, as a result of Gentaro's attempts to reach him, the Perseus Zodiarts realizes he made a grave error in judgement over his hyper-critical actions after seeing how his earlier painting has inspired the kindergarteners to make their own works. The Perseus Zodiarts then accepts Gentaro's friendship with the intent of refusing to his body before the Libra Zodiarts converts him into a berserker for no longer having the potential to evolve. However, with the help of the newly-arriving Kamen Rider Meteor holding the Libra Zodiarts at bay, Kamen Rider Fourze uses the Pen Switch to disable the brainwashed Perseus Zodiarts before destroying him with the Rider Rocket Drill Kick. Back in his body, Matoyama is later seen creating a new painting of Mount Fuji to give to the kindergarteners as a means to start over.
Another Perseus Zodiarts had appeared, fighting Meteor in Meteor Storm form, and was destroyed with a few hits with the Meteor Storm Shaft. However, it was not real, as Ryusei was just having a nightmare.
Switcher: Masao Nonomura
Episodes: 17-18
Finished by: Kamen Rider Meteor's Starlight Shower; Kamen Rider Fourze Elek States' Rider Lightning Drill Kick; Kamen Rider Meteor Storm attack
However, as a result of Gentaro's attempts to reach him, the Perseus Zodiarts realizes he made a grave error in judgement over his hyper-critical actions after seeing how his earlier painting has inspired the kindergarteners to make their own works. The Perseus Zodiarts then accepts Gentaro's friendship with the intent of refusing to his body before the Libra Zodiarts converts him into a berserker for no longer having the potential to evolve. However, with the help of the newly-arriving Kamen Rider Meteor holding the Libra Zodiarts at bay, Kamen Rider Fourze uses the Pen Switch to disable the brainwashed Perseus Zodiarts before destroying him with the Rider Rocket Drill Kick. Back in his body, Matoyama is later seen creating a new painting of Mount Fuji to give to the kindergarteners as a means to start over.
Another Perseus Zodiarts had appeared, fighting Meteor in Meteor Storm form, and was destroyed with a few hits with the Meteor Storm Shaft. However, it was not real, as Ryusei was just having a nightmare.
Switcher: Masao Nonomura
Episodes: 17-18
Finished by: Kamen Rider Meteor's Starlight Shower; Kamen Rider Fourze Elek States' Rider Lightning Drill Kick; Kamen Rider Meteor Storm attack

Masao Nonomura
(野々村 公夫, Nonomura Masao) is an AGHS student who is Kengo's self-proclaimed rival who wants to have the one with the top grades, attacking anyone that had better scores than him. The Zodiarts Switch given to him by the Libra Zodiarts enables him to transform into the Lynx Zodiarts (リンクス・ゾディアーツ, Rinkusu Zodiātsu) who is agile and has sharp claws on both of his hands. However, he had a personal tick that involved rubbing his right finger and thumb together, and thus was exposed in a public restaurant, also going into Last One. He forced Fourze to detransform when he took JK hostage, and right when Gentaro did, Masao send him flying, knocking the Fourze Driver away from him. It was then that Meteor appeared. Masao tried the hostage card again, but Meteor's punch struck true into the Zodiarts' face. He met his match with Meteor, who's fighting style was the same as the Lynx's. He then landed the Starlight Shower finisher on the Lynx Zodiarts, temporarily destroying the Zodiarts, who then reforms with the "star of evolution" glowing on his body, though Meteor lets him off. However, Fourze is not so merciful and uses the Rider Rocket Drill Kick. Meteor needed the Lynx Zodiarts to see if he was capable of evolving into the Aries Zodiarts, so he deflected the Rider Kick with his own, allowing the Zodiarts to escape for now.
The second time that the Lynx fought Fourze, he came with Dustards made from "Master" Libra and terrorized the school with them. Right before Fourze could hit Lynx with a Limit Break, the Lynx ran off, prompting Fourze to use the new Wheel Switch to give chase, where he assumed Elek States and destroyed the Zodiarts after a brief fight.
Another Lynx Zodiarts had appeared, finighting Meteor in Meteor Storm form, and was destroyed with a few hits with the Meteor Storm Shaft. However, it was not real, as Ryusei was just having a nightmare.
The second time that the Lynx fought Fourze, he came with Dustards made from "Master" Libra and terrorized the school with them. Right before Fourze could hit Lynx with a Limit Break, the Lynx ran off, prompting Fourze to use the new Wheel Switch to give chase, where he assumed Elek States and destroyed the Zodiarts after a brief fight.
Another Lynx Zodiarts had appeared, finighting Meteor in Meteor Storm form, and was destroyed with a few hits with the Meteor Storm Shaft. However, it was not real, as Ryusei was just having a nightmare.
Switcher: Jin Nomoto
Episodes: 19-20, 25
Finished by: Kamen Rider Fourze Magnet States' Rider Super Electromagnetic Bomber; Kamen Rider Fourze Magnet States attack
Episodes: 19-20, 25
Finished by: Kamen Rider Fourze Magnet States' Rider Super Electromagnetic Bomber; Kamen Rider Fourze Magnet States attack
Jin Nomoto
(野本 仁, Nomoto Jin) is is the intimidating captain of the AGHS track and field team who refuses his team to take outside help. He can become the Dragon Zodiarts (ドラゴン・ゾディアーツ, Doragon Zodiātsu), a Zodiarts sent by Libra to kill the Kamen Riders. His scales are made of a tough metallic material that easily absorbs thermal and electrical energy and has the ability to redirect it, making both Fourze's Fire States and Elek States useless. It is also tough enough to withstand melee attacks, even the ones thrown by Meteor. It can also create spheres made of its scales to attack by throwing them at the Riders. Later, he has gained the ability to expel fire from his arms.
However, there are a few weaknesses that this mighty Zodiarts possess. He has to be aware of any elemental attack from either Elek or Fire first, otherwise, it would actually harm him. Also, he can't absorb the full power of a Limit Break. Also, it seems he can't absorb the electrified attacks from Meteor with the Elek Switch, though he did deflect his Rider Kick before Fourze assumed Magnet States.
He revealed himself as the Dragon Zodiarts when he ordered Egawa to stay away from Kengo, only to focus his murderous intent to Gentaro, Yuki, and Shun, who were in the bleachers for a different reason.
A second Dragons Zodiarts appeared and was believed to be Jin who got a new Zodiarts Switch. However, what remained after a fight with Fourze in Magnet States, all that was left after Fourze slammed the N&S MagCannon into the Zodiarts was a lump of black hair, meaning it was a fake/summon.
However, there are a few weaknesses that this mighty Zodiarts possess. He has to be aware of any elemental attack from either Elek or Fire first, otherwise, it would actually harm him. Also, he can't absorb the full power of a Limit Break. Also, it seems he can't absorb the electrified attacks from Meteor with the Elek Switch, though he did deflect his Rider Kick before Fourze assumed Magnet States.
He revealed himself as the Dragon Zodiarts when he ordered Egawa to stay away from Kengo, only to focus his murderous intent to Gentaro, Yuki, and Shun, who were in the bleachers for a different reason.
A second Dragons Zodiarts appeared and was believed to be Jin who got a new Zodiarts Switch. However, what remained after a fight with Fourze in Magnet States, all that was left after Fourze slammed the N&S MagCannon into the Zodiarts was a lump of black hair, meaning it was a fake/summon.

Episodes: 21 - 22
Finished by: Kamen Rider Fourze Magnet States' Rider Super Electromagnetic Bomber (before evolution)

Natsuji Kijima
(鬼島 夏児, Kijima Natsuji), is a second year student in Amanogawa High School and the president of the Rakugo Research Society. He found a Zodiarts Switch that was kicked out of the Libra Zodiarts's hand while being jumped by Kamen Rider Fourze and became the Pegasus Zodiarts (ペガサス・ゾディアーツ, Pegasasu Zodiātsu). Using it, the Pegasus Zodiarts attacks martial artists and others who partake in physical sports, fueled by petty vengence after Ms. Haruka Utsugi confiscated his fan. He also began shadowing her and began to copy her style of kickboxing, as well as her signature kick with a somewhat winded wind up. While fighting the Zodiarts, Gentaro recognizes its most impressive kick style to be that of Ms. Utsugi's. After gathering clues (some of which came from Kijima), the Kamen Rider Club was lead to believe that Ms. Haruka is the Zodiarts, and Kijima used that to his advantage by saying that he was [Gentaro's] teacher, and floors the stunned Rider, though Meteor hits Kijima hard with a one-inch punch, sending the Zodiarts quite the distance.
He was later exposed by Ryusei when he remembers Kijima reeling in pain after JK (in good spirits) elbowed the rakugo man in the ribs (in the same spot where Meteor hit him with the one-inch punch) and when Natsuji found his watch was running slow (in the previous fight with Fourze, he was hit by a electromagnetic tornado from Magnet States). Once confronted, the normally jolly student went stone cold in seconds, his Switch assuming Last One and attacked. After Gentaro started to shadow Ms. Utsugi's fighting after she arrived to help Gentaro, Kijima flees, but was chased down by the Rider. After a plentora of Switches used to fight against the Zodiarts, Fourze assumed Magnet States and hit Kijima with the Rider Super Electromagnetic Bomber. However, as the group celebrated victory, it soon turned sour when Kijima's Zodiarts body revived itself with a Star of Rebirth shining. Virgo walked in, carrying Kijima's human body and tossed it at the Pegasus Zodiarts, triggering the evolution into the Cancer Zodiarts.
He was later exposed by Ryusei when he remembers Kijima reeling in pain after JK (in good spirits) elbowed the rakugo man in the ribs (in the same spot where Meteor hit him with the one-inch punch) and when Natsuji found his watch was running slow (in the previous fight with Fourze, he was hit by a electromagnetic tornado from Magnet States). Once confronted, the normally jolly student went stone cold in seconds, his Switch assuming Last One and attacked. After Gentaro started to shadow Ms. Utsugi's fighting after she arrived to help Gentaro, Kijima flees, but was chased down by the Rider. After a plentora of Switches used to fight against the Zodiarts, Fourze assumed Magnet States and hit Kijima with the Rider Super Electromagnetic Bomber. However, as the group celebrated victory, it soon turned sour when Kijima's Zodiarts body revived itself with a Star of Rebirth shining. Virgo walked in, carrying Kijima's human body and tossed it at the Pegasus Zodiarts, triggering the evolution into the Cancer Zodiarts.

Norio Eguchi
(江口 規夫 Eguchi Norio) is a cosplay otaku at AGHS who watched Kamen Rider Fourze and wanted to be a hero like him yet lacked the nerve to do so. Soon after, Eguchi receives a Zodiarts Switch from the Libra Zodiarts which causes him to develop a split personality with the dark aspects of himself occupying the Cygnus Zodiarts (キグナス・ゾディアーツ Kigunasu Zodiātsu?), which simply calls himself "Cygnus" (キッグナス Kiggunasu?). As the Cygnus Zodiarts, he is armed with sharp claws on his hands, and he uses his feathers for multiple purposes from throwing them around to make a grand entrance to using them as shurikens, and has powerful kicks that resemble ballet moves.
Portraying himself as a hero, the Cygnus Zodiarts obtains a large following of people called the Ugly Duckling Society, which is led by Misa Toriizaki, who uses a point system to judge people like the Zodiarts does. While claiming to be a hero of justice, Cygnus actually wants admiration and will attack anyone who he sees as a threat to his true plan: replacing Kamen Rider Fourze, as well as those who refuse to see him as a superior being. When Eguchi is revealed to be the Switcher, having no knowledge that Cygnus was the product of his own mind, he attempts to give his Zodiarts Switch to the Kamen Rider Club as the item assumes its Last One state. However, the Cancer Zodiarts abducts him so Misa can force Eguchi to transform before the Cygnus Zodiarts reveals his true colors. After the Cygnus Zodiarts is destroyed by Kamen Rider Meteor, Eguchi lives his dream of being a hero with good deeds.
Portraying himself as a hero, the Cygnus Zodiarts obtains a large following of people called the Ugly Duckling Society, which is led by Misa Toriizaki, who uses a point system to judge people like the Zodiarts does. While claiming to be a hero of justice, Cygnus actually wants admiration and will attack anyone who he sees as a threat to his true plan: replacing Kamen Rider Fourze, as well as those who refuse to see him as a superior being. When Eguchi is revealed to be the Switcher, having no knowledge that Cygnus was the product of his own mind, he attempts to give his Zodiarts Switch to the Kamen Rider Club as the item assumes its Last One state. However, the Cancer Zodiarts abducts him so Misa can force Eguchi to transform before the Cygnus Zodiarts reveals his true colors. After the Cygnus Zodiarts is destroyed by Kamen Rider Meteor, Eguchi lives his dream of being a hero with good deeds.
Switcher: Yayoi Tokuda
Episodes: 25-26
Defeated by: Kamen Rider Meteor's Starlight Shower (1st time); Kamen Rider Fourze Magnet States' Rider Super Electromagnetic Tackle w/ PowerDizer (Final time)
It should be noted that while her clones have the same powers as the real articles, what separates them is that they cannot be magnetized, due to the non-metallic nature of real hair.
The Coma Zodiarts had creates clones of the Chameleon, Altar, Dragon Zodiarts to run amok in the school all for a scoop, not caring if the former Switchers get their names sullied by the incriminating false evidence.She was hit by Meteor's Starlight Shower when she made the mistake of wrapping the Rider in her tendril-like hair and pulled him close. However, as she wasn't in Last One yet, Yayoi still had the Switch in hand, then reassumed Zodiarts form and fled.
The real reason why she's a Zodiarts is because she doesn't want to graduate and leave Amanogawa High School, and decided to use her Zodiarts Switch to cancel Prom Night. However, that clashed with Gentaro's present to the third-year students, which is Prom Night. After Coma assumes Last One and a fierce battle involving the Cancer Zodiarts butting in again, the PowerDizer's pilot JK getting ejected, and the eldest Club members returning to the fold, Fourze assumes Magnet States and pulls off the Rider Super Electromagnetic Tackle when Shun in the PowerDizer grabbed the two Zodiarts and drove to Gentaro. While the Cancer Zodiarts managed to get away, Yayoi wasn't so lucky and was returned to normal.
Switcher: Haru Kusao
Episodes: 29-30
Defeated by: Kamen Rider Fourze Magnet States' Rider Super Electromagnetic Bomber (willingly)

It can spit a sticky mucus-like slime from its mouth and can jump high, this form known as "Phase 1" (フェーズ1,Fēzu Wan). The Zodiarts reacts to Haru's emotions and desire to become stronger and undergoes a metamorphosis that gives him neon green armoring on his forearms and shins that increase Musca's physical power [this form being known as "Phase 2"(フェーズ2, Fēzu Tsū)], though that was proven no more then decorative to the more adept Kamen Riders. He later gained the ability to convert his body into a massive swarm of flies when fighting Fourze in Elek States, though he couldn't control himself while doing so.
Once Haru hit Last One, Musca had turned into a terror that is "Phase 3" (フェーズ3, Fēzu Surī). On top of his previous abilities, Musca gained better and spiked armor, allowing him to withstand more punishment. It also had wings, allowing Musca to fly, and the projectile slime turn into rainbow-hued slime balls that explode upon impact.
However, his power to convert his body into a swarm of flies was negated when Fourze used the power of the Net Switch onto Musca, forcing the Zodiarts to stay solid while Fourze assumed Magnet States. However, Kengo warned that if Haru's Zodiarts form was destroyed while he was mentally unstable, he would remain that way. Just then, Ran yelled to Haru an apology for trying to protect him when he didn't want protecting. Haru's heart was reopened, and he asked Gentaro to send him back to his body, and was blasted away by a Super Electromagnetic Bomber.
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