Kamen Rider Skyrider
JAPAN 1979 - 1980
Episode Count: 54
Air Date: October 05, 1979 - October 10, 1980
Kamen Rider (仮面ライダー Kamen Raidā, Masked Rider in English) is a Japanese tokusatsu television series. It is the sixth program in the Kamen Rider Series. It has the same name as the first series in the franchise, and fans usually refer to this series asThe New Kamen Rider (新しい仮面ライダー Atarashī Kamen Raidā?) or Skyrider (スカイライダー Sukairaidā?) (after the main character) in order to distinguish it from the original. The series was broadcast on TBS from October 5, 1979 to October 10, 1980, lasting 54 episodes. The series was a co-production between Toeiand Ishinomori Productions, and was created by Shotaro Ishinomori. It aired every Saturday at 7:00 PM.

The New Kamen Rider was intended as a revival of the original Kamen Rider, going back to the basic, essential themes established in that series, as opposed to the more complex and unique series that preceded it, such as Kamen Rider Amazon and Kamen Rider Stronger.
Doctor Keitarō Shido, an acclaimed scientist, has been kidnapped by the terrorist organization Neo-Shocker in order to exploit his expertise in robotics technology. Desperate to escape, he convinces Neo-Shocker command to allow him to operate on an injured camper. Explaining that he can turn the camper, Hiroshi Tsukuba into a powerful Neo-Shocker warrior, they allow Doctor Shido to operate. However, he quickly turns the tables on them, transforming Hiroshi not into an evil kaijin, but into the powerful warrior Skyrider, using his new found abilities to combat the evil Neo-Shocker menace.

Unlike the original Kamen Riders who are based on grasshoppers Skyrider is based on a locust. As the name implies, Skyrider could fly via an ability called Sailing Jump and the first Kamen Rider who could fly. Originally Hiroshi Tsukaba said "Henshin" to transform but starting in episode 35 he says "Sky Henshin". Like Riders 1, 2, and V3, Skyrider is wind powered through his "Tornado" henshin belt.
He is also one of the most powerful of the Kamen Riders, having passed a survival test that involved being struck by the Rider Kicks of all his predecessors.
For the first 19 episodes of New Kamen Rider the hero is known as "Kamen Rider", but in episode 20 Kamen Rider Stronger addresses him as "Skyrider". All of the previous Kamen Riders call him Skyrider and the Neo-Shocker kaijin do so as well after episode 20.
At first Skyrider has only two special combat techniques, "Sky Kick" and "Sky Punch". He also the special power, "Sky Drill", using his hand to drill through solid rock. Using his motorycle Sky Turbo he can smash through walls with "Sky Break". In episode 21 Kamen Rider Stronger helps Skyrider to learn "Revolving Sky Kick". After the charge up Skyrider gains "Mid-air Sky Kick", "Gun Drop", "Sky Screw Kick", "Rider Spin", "Sky Chop", Sky Flying Saucer", "Sky Double Kick" etc.
Sky Kick (スカイキック Sukai Kikku?): His signature attack.
Big Revolving Sky Kick (大回転スカイキック Dai Kaiten Sukai Kikku?)
Big Return Sky Kick (大反転スカイキック Dai Hanten Sukai Kikku?)
Sky Screw Kick (スカイスクリューキック Sukai Sukuryū Kikku?)
Sky Flying Saucer (スカイフライングソーサー Sukai Furaingu Sōsā?)
Sky Double Kick (スカイダブルキック Sukai Daburu Kikku?)
Sky Big Circle Kick (スカイ大旋回キック Sukai Dai Senkai Kikku?)
Sky Punch (スカイパンチ Sukai Panchi?)
Sky Chop (スカイチョップ Sukai Choppu?)
Cross Chop (クロスチョップ Kurosu Choppu?)
Horizontal Spin Chop (水平回転チョップ Suihei Kaiten Choppu?)
Centrifugal Throw (遠心投げ Enshin Nage?)
Pinwheel Three-step Throw (風車三段投げ Fūsha Sandan Nage?)
Bamboo-copter Shoot (竹とんぼシュート Taketonbo Shūto?)
Rock Drop (岩石落し Ganseki Otoshi?)
Three-point Drop (三点ドロップ Santen Doroppu?)
Finishing Mid-air Lightning Drop (必殺空中稲妻落とし Hissatsu Kūchū Inazuma Otoshi?)
Rider Moonsault (ライダームーンサルト Raidā Mūnsaruto?)
Sky Arms Drop (スカイアームスドロップ Sukai Āmusu Doroppu?)
Sky Back Drop (スカイバックドロップ Sukai Bakku Doroppu?)
Fūjin Hell Drop (風神地獄落とし Fūjin Jigoku Otoshi?)
Sky Running Strom (スカイランニングストーム Sky Ranningu Sutōmu?)
Rider Typhoon Head Drop (ライダータイフーン脳天落とし Raiā Taifūn Nōten Otoshi?)
Pile Drop (パイルドロップ Pairu Doroppu?)
Rider Octopus Hold (ライダー卍固め Raidā Manji Gatame?)
Sky Drill (スカイドリル Sukai Doriru?)
Psychokinesis Reversal Rider Spin (念力返しライダースピン Nenriki Gaeshi Raidā Supin?)
Spear Walk Heat Shimmer Technique (槍渡り陽炎の術 Yari Watari Kagerō no Jutsu?)
Finishing Steppingstone Crash (必殺飛び石砕き Hissatsu Tobiishi Kudaki?)
Big Revolving Sky Kick (大回転スカイキック Dai Kaiten Sukai Kikku?)
Big Return Sky Kick (大反転スカイキック Dai Hanten Sukai Kikku?)
Sky Screw Kick (スカイスクリューキック Sukai Sukuryū Kikku?)
Sky Flying Saucer (スカイフライングソーサー Sukai Furaingu Sōsā?)
Sky Double Kick (スカイダブルキック Sukai Daburu Kikku?)
Sky Big Circle Kick (スカイ大旋回キック Sukai Dai Senkai Kikku?)
Sky Punch (スカイパンチ Sukai Panchi?)
Sky Chop (スカイチョップ Sukai Choppu?)
Cross Chop (クロスチョップ Kurosu Choppu?)
Horizontal Spin Chop (水平回転チョップ Suihei Kaiten Choppu?)
Centrifugal Throw (遠心投げ Enshin Nage?)
Pinwheel Three-step Throw (風車三段投げ Fūsha Sandan Nage?)
Bamboo-copter Shoot (竹とんぼシュート Taketonbo Shūto?)
Rock Drop (岩石落し Ganseki Otoshi?)
Three-point Drop (三点ドロップ Santen Doroppu?)
Finishing Mid-air Lightning Drop (必殺空中稲妻落とし Hissatsu Kūchū Inazuma Otoshi?)
Rider Moonsault (ライダームーンサルト Raidā Mūnsaruto?)
Sky Arms Drop (スカイアームスドロップ Sukai Āmusu Doroppu?)
Sky Back Drop (スカイバックドロップ Sukai Bakku Doroppu?)
Fūjin Hell Drop (風神地獄落とし Fūjin Jigoku Otoshi?)
Sky Running Strom (スカイランニングストーム Sky Ranningu Sutōmu?)
Rider Typhoon Head Drop (ライダータイフーン脳天落とし Raiā Taifūn Nōten Otoshi?)
Pile Drop (パイルドロップ Pairu Doroppu?)
Rider Octopus Hold (ライダー卍固め Raidā Manji Gatame?)
Sky Drill (スカイドリル Sukai Doriru?)
Psychokinesis Reversal Rider Spin (念力返しライダースピン Nenriki Gaeshi Raidā Supin?)
Spear Walk Heat Shimmer Technique (槍渡り陽炎の術 Yari Watari Kagerō no Jutsu?)
Finishing Steppingstone Crash (必殺飛び石砕き Hissatsu Tobiishi Kudaki?)
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