The Wizard Rings (ウィザードリング Wizādo Ringu) are the power source of Kamen Riders Wizard and Beast. There are two kinds: the left-handed Transformation Rings (変身リング Henshin Ringu) for transformation/changing Wizard's current Style; and the right-handed Magic Rings (魔法リング Mahō Ringu) for performing spells, as well as summoning his weapon.
Transformation Rings
Normal Rings
Flame Ring (フレイムリング Fureimu Ringu?): Allows Wizard to access Flame Style. Also imbues his WizarSwordGun with the element of fire.
Water Ring (ウォーターリング Wōtā Ringu?): Allows Wizard to access Water Style. Also imbues his WizarSwordGun with the element of water.
Hurricane Ring (ハリケーンリング Harikēn Ringu?): allows Wizard to access Hurricane Style. Also imbues his WizarSwordGun with the element of wind.
Land Ring (ランドリング Rando Ringu?): Allows Wizard to access Land Style. Also imbues his WizarSwordGun with the element of earth.
Drago System Rings
Flame Dragon Ring: Allows Wizard to access Flame Dragon Style.
Water Dragon Ring: Allows Wizard to access Water Dragon Style.
Hurricane Dragon Ring: Allows Wizard to access Hurricane Dragon Style.
Land Dragon Ring: Allows Wizard to access Land Dragon Style.

Flame style ring Water style ring

Land style ring Hurricane style ring
Magic Rings
Driver On Ring (ドライバーオンリング Doraibā On Ringu?): Activates the WizarDriver. White Wizard has his own with a red trim as shown in Episode 2.
Connect Ring (コネクトリング Konekuto Ringu?): Opens a portal to two different locations. Typically used to retrieve the WizarSwordGun or the Machine Winger.
Kick Strike Ring (キックストライクリング Kikku Sutoraiku Ringu?): Allows Wizard to perform his Rider Kick. It can also be used with other rings to perform variations of Strike Wizard.
Engage Ring (エンゲージリング Engēji Ringu?): Allows Wizard to help Gates in Phantom-caused despair by sending him into their Underworld to stop a new Phantom from being born. Destroying the Gate's inner Phantom will save their life, but also strip them of their magical potential as a side-effect to prevent repeated attacks.
Dragorise Ring (ドラゴライズリング Dragoraizu Ringu?): Summons the WizarDragon in an Underworld.
Garuda Ring (ガルーダリング Garūda Ringu?): Summons then powers the Red Garuda PlaMonster.
Unicorn Ring (ユニコーンリング Yunikōn Ringu?): Summons then powers the Blue Unicorn PlaMonster.
Kraken Ring (クラーケンリング Kurāken Ringu?): Summons then powers the Yellow Kraken PlaMonster.
Big Ring (ビッグリング Biggu Ringu?): Allows Wizard to enlarge his arms to hit enemies with.
Copy Ring (コピーリング Kopī Ringu?): Creates corporal copies of Wizard.
Small Ring (スモールリング Sumōru Ringu?): Shrinks down Wizard drastically.
Defend Ring (ディフェンドリング Difendo Ringu?): Allows Wizard to create a shield that is made of the element of Wizard's current Style.
Sleep Ring (スリープリング Surīpu Ringu?): Puts the wearer to sleep.
Light Ring (ライトリング Raito Ringu?): Emits a bright flash of light.
Please Ring (プリーズリング Purīzu Ringu?): Transfers one's magical energy into another. However, overusage of this Ring weakens the donor and becomes unable to fully use his own abilities.
Liquid Ring (リキッドリング Rikiddo Ringu?): Temporary transmutates the wearer's body into a liquid-like state to make melee attacks useless or to grapple with a foe.
Bind Ring (バインドリング Baindo Ringu?): Restrains a target with six strands of mystical metal chains.
Drill Ring (ドリルリング Doriru Ringu?): Allows Wizard to spin at high speeds. When used in conjunction with the Kick Strike Ring, Wizard can execute the Drill Strike Wizard Rider Kick.
Smell Ring (スメルリング Sumeru Ringu?): Releases a horrible odor.
Extend Ring (イックステンドリング Ikkusutendo Ringu?): Allows Wizard to elongate a part of his body.
Cerberus Ring: Summons then powers the Black Cerberus PlaMonster.
Griffin Ring: Summons then powers the Green Griffin PlaMonster.
Golem Ring: Summons then powers the Violet Golem PlaMonster.
Special Ring: Used only in Flame Dragon Style. Make contact with Flame Dragon Ring.
Blizzard Ring: Used only in Water Dragon Style. Make contact with Water Dragon Ring.
Thunder Ring: Used only in Hurricane Dragon Style. Make contact with Hurricane Dragon Ring.
Gravity Ring: Used only in Land Dragon Style. Make contact with Land Dragon Ring.
Time Ring: Stops time for 20 sec.
Fiver Ring: Unknown
Flash Ring: Unknown
Excite Ring: Unknown
Dress Up Ring: Unknown
Gamble Ring: Unknown
Perfume Ring: Unknown
Dark Ring: Unknown
Knock Ring: Unknown
Ear Ring: Unknown
Eye Ring: Unknown
Confuse Ring: Unknown
Barricade Ring: Unknown
Psychokinesis Ring: Unknown
High Speed Ring: Unknown
Control Ring: Unknown
Poison Ring: Unknown
Miracle Ring: Unknown
Clear Ring: Unknown
Holy Ring: Unknown

Garuda ring Unicorn ring Draken ring

The WizarDragon (ウィザードラゴン Wizādoragon?) is the form ofHaruto's inner Phantom Dragon (ドラゴン, Doragon) after he managed to hold on when he was in deep despair and push it back inside. Haruto usually keeps this Phantom inside him, which allows him the ability to perform magic. But when inside someone's Underworld, or when fighting particularly powerful Phantoms, Haruto summons his Phantom to aid him in battle with the Dragorise Wizard Ring.
Because of the Dragon's nature as a Phantom, and tendency to attack him, Haruto must attach the Machine Winger onto it in order to tame it. If this is not done, the WizarDragon will rampage, causing more harm than good. If released in an Underworld and not tamed quickly, the WizarDragon could quickly create a new Phantom, shown when the Dragon's attacks were just as effective at causing damage in Rinko's Underworld as her inner Phantom, Jabberwock, was.
But when the taming is successful, it results in a formation called

When the Kick Strike Ring is used while on the Winger WizarDragon, the spell turns the Winger WizarDragon into a giant boot call Strike Phase (ストライクフェーズ, Sutoraiku Fēzu) with the sole being in the shape of a dragon's footprint for a combination attack of Strike Wizard Kick and Strike Phase call Strike End (ストライクエンド, Sutoraiku Endo), where a projection of Wizard is seen pushing a massive dragon claw mark towards its target.
When in Dragon Form, WizarDragon power now can be summon in real world, where previously WizarDragon power only can be used in Underworld.
The PlaMonsters (プラモンスター Puramonsutā) are familiars created from plastic models that are given life through the use of the Wizard Rings.
They are first summoned by Wizard using their respective Rings, where they lay in assorted pieces on a tray. They then put themselves together and Wizard inserts the Rings into their bodies to keep them active.
However, PlaMonsters have a limited amount of energy, and when it's used up, they disappear and leave behind their respective Wizard Ring to be summoned again.
First three PlaMonsters
Red Garuda

Blue Unicorn
Yellow Kraken
Three more PlaMonsters

Black Cerberus
The Black Cerberus (ブラックケルベロス Burakku Keruberosu) PlaMonster is a three-headed dog-like familiar. It is powered by the Cerberus Ring.
The Black Cerberus (ブラックケルベロス Burakku Keruberosu) PlaMonster is a three-headed dog-like familiar. It is powered by the Cerberus Ring.
Green Griffin
The Green Griffon (グリーングリフォン Gurīn Gurifon) PlaMonster is a winged lion-like familiar. It is powered by the Griffin Ring and used by Kamen Rider Beast.
The Green Griffon (グリーングリフォン Gurīn Gurifon) PlaMonster is a winged lion-like familiar. It is powered by the Griffin Ring and used by Kamen Rider Beast.
Violet Golem
The Violet Golem (バイオレットゴーレム Baioretto Gōremu) PlaMonster is a giant-like familiar. It is powered by the Golem Ring.
The Violet Golem (バイオレットゴーレム Baioretto Gōremu) PlaMonster is a giant-like familiar. It is powered by the Golem Ring.

The WizarSwordGun (ウィザーソードガン Wizāsōdogan?) is Kamen Rider Wizard's main weapon. It is a magical weapon that can transform between a sword and a gun, and is armed with silver bullets, which is adversive to aPhantom. Different Styles also give different elemental attacks when using the WizarSwordGun.
This weapon can be summoned via the Connect Ring.
To unleash the finisher, Wizard lifts the "thumb" on the hand feature to make it open, then Wizard scans his current Transformation Ring to give it an elemental charge.
Shooting Strike
"C'mon and Shoot! Shake Hands!"―Announcement in Gun Mode[src]
Wizard has four different Shooting Strike Rider Shooting attacks for WizarSwordGun's Gun Mode (ガンモード Gan Mōdo?), each corresponding to a different Style.
"C'mon and Shoot! Shake Hands!"―Announcement in Gun Mode[src]
Wizard has four different Shooting Strike Rider Shooting attacks for WizarSwordGun's Gun Mode (ガンモード Gan Mōdo?), each corresponding to a different Style.
Flame: Shoots fireballs.
Water: TBA
Hurricane: TBA
Land: TBA
Slash Strike
"C'mon and Slash! Shake Hands!"―Announcement in Sword Mode[src]
Wizard has four different Slash Strike Rider Slash attacks for WizarSwordGun's Sword Mode (ソードモード Sōdo Mōdo?), each corresponding to a different Style.
Flame: A flame wheel coats the blade of the WizarSwordGun for a supercharged slash.
Water: A water current coats the blade of the WizardSwordGun for a sword beam attack.
Hurricane: A focused hurricane coats the blade of the WizarSwordGun for a tornado to lift a Phantom in the air, then a sword beam to cleave through the target.
Land: TBA
Flame Style's Shooting Strike is similar to that of Kamen Rider Garren's Burning Bullet attack.
Hurricane Style's Slash Strike is similar to that of Kamen Rider Faiz's Sparkle Cut attack.
The WizarSwordGun is similar to the Final Fantasy XIII variant of the gunblade from the Final Fantasy series where the gunblade is able to transform between a sword and a gun by the discretion of the user.

The Machine Winger (マシンウィンガー Mashin Wingā?) is Haruto Sohma's personal Honda CRF250R offroad bike.
This bike can be summoned via the Connect Ring.
It is named for the fact that it can combine with theWizarDragon to boost it's flight capabilities.
The Dragon Timer (ドラゴンタイマー Doragon Taimā?) is a mysterious arm-mounted device that is for Wizard.
Its purpose is currently unknown.
Its purpose is currently unknown.

The WizarDriver (ウィザードライバー Wizādoraibā?) is Kamen Rider Wizard's transformation belt that was given to Haruto by the mysterious White Wizard, who has his own WizarDriver, which is identical to Wizard's except for the red trim around the Hand Author as opposed to gold, and a black strap instead of a grey one.

The WizarDriver is the mystical device that enables Haruto Sohma to unlock the powers of the Wizard Rings, allowing him to transform into Kamen Rider Wizard or perform various magical abilities. By wearing a Transformation Ring on the left hand and swinging it across the Grimoire Stone (グリモワールストーンGurimowāru Sutōn?) held within the Hand Author (ハンドオーサー Hando Ōsā?), Haruto transforms into Kamen Rider Wizard.
By using one of the Shift Levers (シフトレバー Shifuto Rebā?) to switch the position of the Hand Author, Kamen Rider Wizard can use a Magic Ring worn on his right hand to initiate one of his many magical spells.
In all instances of using a magical power, the belt announces "Please!" (プリーズ! Purīzu!?) through the Spell Enchanter (スペルエンチャンター Superu Enchantā?) speaker.
When not transformed, the WizarDriver appears as an ordinary belt with a hand-shaped buckle, though it retains the ability to utilize any Magic Ring.
The WizarDriver is the mystical device that enables Haruto Sohma to unlock the powers of the Wizard Rings, allowing him to transform into Kamen Rider Wizard or perform various magical abilities. By wearing a Transformation Ring on the left hand and swinging it across the Grimoire Stone (グリモワールストーンGurimowāru Sutōn?) held within the Hand Author (ハンドオーサー Hando Ōsā?), Haruto transforms into Kamen Rider Wizard.
By using one of the Shift Levers (シフトレバー Shifuto Rebā?) to switch the position of the Hand Author, Kamen Rider Wizard can use a Magic Ring worn on his right hand to initiate one of his many magical spells.
In all instances of using a magical power, the belt announces "Please!" (プリーズ! Purīzu!?) through the Spell Enchanter (スペルエンチャンター Superu Enchantā?) speaker.
When not transformed, the WizarDriver appears as an ordinary belt with a hand-shaped buckle, though it retains the ability to utilize any Magic Ring.
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