Height: 210 cm.
Weight: 93 kg.
Rider Stats
Punching Power: 3.3 tons
Kicking Power: 8.4 tons
Highest Jump: 25 m.
Fastest Speed: 100 m. per 5.8 seconds
Unlike Fourze, Kamen Rider Meteor (仮面ライダーメテオ, Kamen Raidā Meteo)'s powers comes from the M-BUS satillite space-station in Earth's orbit above Japan, which holds necessary energy for Meteor to transform. Cosmic Energy is received to complete Kamen Rider Meteor's transformation. However, if Ryusei is not exposed to this energy, he is not able to transform. After transforming into Kamen Rider Meteor, he says "Kamen Rider Meteor, your fate is mine to decide!" (仮面ライダーメテオ、お前の運命は俺が決める,Kamen Raidā Meteo, Omae no sadame wa ore ga kimeru), though Yuki will yell out "The Meteor is Here!" (隕石キター!, Inseki kitā!) everytime Meteor arrives in his blue fireball form. His helmet is called the Star Face (スターフェイス, Sutāfeisu).
Whenever he fights, he tends to make martial arts sounds like "Whatchaa!!" (ホワッチャーッ) due to his fighting style being Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do. Using the Meteor Switch, Meteor can perform three different Limit Breaks.
By turning on the Meteor Switch in the Meteor Driver, Meteor can perform the Meteor Tornado (メテオトルネード,Meteo Torunēdo) a spinning attack that rotates in high speed, and the Meteor Strike (メテオストライク, Meteo Sutoraiku) Rider Kick.
By inserting the Meteor Switch into Meteor Galaxy, Meteor can perform the Starlight Shower (スターライトシャワー,Sutāraito Shawā) Rider Punch finisher, where Meteor strikes the target with hard yet fast jabs with his right arm, the aura of the attack coming off of his arm making look like a comet with a tail. It can alternatively be used as a projectile-based finisher by throwing jabs to make balls of energy to come out of his right hand, then finished it with a bigger ball of energy.
With Fourze Magnet States and Meteor places N Magnet Switch in Meteor Driver, Fourze and Meteor can performRider Super Electromagnetic Strike (ライダー超電磁ストライク, Raidā Chōdenji Sutoraiku) which allows both to use the magnetic pull from each other to ram into enemies.

Height: 210 cm.
Weight: 93 kg.
Rider Stats
Punching Power: 4.3 tons
Kicking Power: 9.4 tons
Highest Jump: 21 m.
Fastest Speed: 100 m. per 5.4 seconds
By swapping the Meteor Storm Switch with the Meteor Switch in the Meteor Driver, then spin the fan on the Switch after activating it, he can transform into the stronger Kamen Rider Meteor Storm (仮面ライダーメテオストーム, Kamen Raidā Meteo Sutōmu), gaining in both power and speed. After changing into Kamen Rider Meteor Storm, Ryusei says "Kamen Rider Meteor Storm, my fate will deliver a storm!" (仮面ライダーメテオストーム、俺の運命は嵐を呼ぶぜ!,Kamen Raidā Meteo Sutōmu, ore no sadame wa arashi o yobuze!). His helmet is upgraded into the "Starlight Face" (スターライトフェイス,Sutāraitofeisu).
In this form, he gain the access to a new weapon, the Meteor Storm Shaft(メテオストームシャフト, Meteo Sutōmu Shafuto), which is a gun rod-like weapon. This form is debut in episode 28.
By inserting the Meteor Storm Switch into the Meteor Storm Shaft, following by inserting the hand rubber puller into the Switch and pull out, Cosmic Energy are gathered in the top-like part of the Storm Shaft, converting into kinetic energy and Meteor Storm Switch's fan-blade start to spin. By releasing the Switch's fan-blade on the shaft, Meteor Storm can perform the finisher Meteor Storm Punisher (メテオストームパニッシャー, Meteo Sutōmu Panisshā), where the fan-blade travels on the ground, leaving a carved trail as it heads to the target, then cleaves through it with no problem.
Unlike Fourze's finishers, the Meteor Storm Punisher is able to contain the strong explosion emitted by the Supernova state of the Cancer Zodiarts that can destroy the entire city. This is because the fan-blade absorbs the power of the target Zodiarts and converts it into kinetic energy, allowing Meteor to destroy the Horoscopes without causing an city-endangering explosion.
During the final battle, Meteor Storm were able to increase the power to utilized Max Power Meteor Storm Punisher (マックスパワーメテオストームパニッシャー, Makkusu Pawā Meteo Sutōmu Panisshā) by pressing the button of Meteor Storm Switch three times before deliver the Meteor Storm Punisher with great power to Zodiarts. But, it deplete Meteor Storm switch Cosmic Energy and if it use Limit Break once again, it will severely change Meteor Storm back to Ryusei.
And also, Meteor Storm was able to use the alternative of Meteor Strike called Meteor Storm Strike (メテオストームストライク, Meteo Sutōmu Sutoraiku) by inserting the Meteor Switch into Driver before perform the Limit Break to the Zodiarts.
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