The first set of monsters used by G.O.D., the Myth Monsters are based on Greek Mythology.

A Neptune-themed Piranha monster. It was responsible for killing Jin's father. Destroyed by X's X Kick. Neptune was later revived in the movie and killed by the 5 Riders. He was revived again in episode 27 and killed by X's X Kick.
Episodes 1, 27 and Movie

A Pan-themed Crow monster. Destroyed by X's Crusier Attack. Later revived in the movie and killed by the 5 Riders.
Episode 2 and Movie

A Hercules-themed Sun Bear monster that wears the cape of the Nemean Lion. Destroyed by X's X Kick. Hercules was later revived in episode 21 and destroyed by X's X Kick. He was revived again in the movie and killed by the 5 Riders.
Episodes 3, 2 and Movie

A Medusa monster. She used up all her energy and died. Medusa was later revived in episode 21 and guillotined by the Cruiser's charge. She was revived again in the movie and killed by the 5 Riders. Medusa was revived again for a final time in episode 27 and killed by X.
Episodes 4, 21, 27, and Movie

A Cyclops-themed Mold monster. Destroyed by X's X Kick. Cyclops was later revived in the movie and killed by the 5 Riders.
Episode 5 and Movie

Oxman Minotaur
A Minotaur Monster. It was destroyed by X's X Kick.
Episode 6

Birdman Icarus
An Icarus-themed Eagle monster. It was thrown and destroyed into mid-air after X's X Kick. Icarus was later revived in the movie and killed by the 5 Riders.
Episode 7 and Movie

Strong-Armed Atlas
An Atlas-themed Seaweed monster. Atlas was responsible for the death of Kiriko Mizuki. It was destroyed by X's X Kick. Atlas was later revived in the movie and killed by the 5 Riders.
Episode 8 and Movie

Mach Achilles
An Achilles-themed Turtle monster. It was executed by Apollo Geist after defeated by X's X Two-step Kick. Achilles was later revived in episode 21 and destroyed by Apollo Geist's Apollo Magnum. Achilles was revived again in the movie and killed by the 5 Riders. Achilles was revived for a final time in episode 28.
Episodes 9, 10, 21, 28 and Movie

Flamy Prometheus
A Prometheus-themed Hyena monster. It was destroyed by X's X Kick. Later revived in episode 21 and destroyed by X's Riddol Crown Split. Prometheus was revived again in the movie and killed by the 5 Riders.
Episodes 10, 21 and Movie

A Hydra-themed Eel monster. It was destroyed by X's X Kick. Hydra was later revived in the movie and killed by the 5 Riders.
Episode 11 and Movie

A Chimera-themed Lion monster. It was destroyed by X's X Kick. Chimera was later revived in the movie and killed by the 5 Riders. Chimera was revived again in episode 27 and killed by V3.
Episode 12, 27 and Movie

A Ulysses-themed Sea Snake monster. It was destroyed by X's X Kick. Ulysses was later revived in episode 21 and destroyed by X's Electroshock. Ulysses was revived again in the movie and killed by the 5 Riders.
Episode 13, 21 and Movie

Reaper Chronos
A Chronos-themed Ox monster. It was destroyed by X's X Kick. Chronos was later revived in episode 21 and destroyed by X's Rider Hammer Shoot. Chronos was revived again in the movie and killed by the 5 Riders.
Episodes 15-16, 21 and Movie

A Cerberus monster. It was thrown and destroyed into water by X's long Riddol Stick. Cerberus was later revived in episode 21 and destroyed by X's Finishing Kick. Cerberus was revived again in the movie and killed by the 5 Riders.
Episodes 16, 21 and Movie

An Alseides-themed Root monster. It was destroyed by X's Riddol Crown Split. Alseides was revived in the movie and killed by the 5 Riders.
Episode 17 and Movie

A black cat monster. Destroyed by X's X Kick. Catius was later revived in the movie and killed by the 5 Riders.
Episode 18 and Movie

A ghost monster. Destroyed by X's X Kick.
Episode 19

A Salamander monster. It was destroyed by X's X Kick. Salamander was later revived episode 28.
Episode 20 and 28.
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