Written By Regina Kim on Wednesday, July 4, 2012 | 9:47 PM

Full Name:Kenji Asuka
Ranger Designation:Mido (Green) Ranger
Weapons:Green Puncher, Greenerang Boomerang, and New Greeneranger Boomerang
Vehicles:Green Machine and Green Star

At 17, he was the youngest member of the Gorangers. Kenji was training at the Kansai branch of the Japan Block of EAGLE. As someone without a care in the world, he sometimes was a bit brash and temperamental. As Mido Ranger, he was armed with the razor-sharp Midomerang (Green-boomerang) which can be flung at enemies. He could also use it as a handheld weapon to cut and slash his opponents. His Midomerang was later upgraded to the New Midomerang which was a bit bigger. He also carried the Mido Puncher which was a slingshot weapon which could be used to fire pachinko-ball pellets and sometimes explosives. Asuka drove the super motorcycle Green Machine and later the Green Star.

[The actor Yukio Itou (also known as Takeshi Itou and Takeshi Shoudou) also played the original Battle Cossack in Battle Fever J.]

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