It is X-Rider's transformation belt and main weapon, kept in his belt until it's needed. The Ridol is a multipurpose weapon with four buttons that each activate a mode.
Ridol WhipAccessed when X-Rider presses the "H" button on the Ridol. X-Rider can use it like fencing sword.

Ridol StickAccessed when X-Rider presses the "S" button on the Ridol.

Ridol RopeAccessed when X-Rider presses the "R" button on the Ridol.

Accessed when X-Rider presses the "L" button on the Ridol.

The Cruiser ( is X-Rider's motorcycle, able to travel land, sea, and air. X-Rider can use the Cruiser to execute the "Crusier Big Loop"/"Crusier Attack" combo to take out his opponents.
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