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Written By Regina Kim on Friday, July 27, 2012 | 11:19 PM

Garanda's Beast Men

Hachi Beastman
A Bee monster who can shoot needles from his mouth, causing his victims to turn into burning piles of goo. He can also shoot his abdomen. He captures children to make into a Garanda youth corp called the Hachi Children. However, Amazon uses his Big Slice to cause the Beastman's brains to splatter out while praising Granada in his dying breath as Amazon uses the Hachi Beastman's abdomen to cure his victims.
Episode 15

Gengoro Beastman
An arsonist Beastman able to assume the form of an Amazon peddler, able to create diving beetle extensions of himself. After targeting Ritsuko so her blood can serve as a means of nourishment, Gengoro execute Garanda's Tokyo Sea of Fire Operation by blowing up a fireworks factory and a gas station to incinerate the city so Garanda can built their capital from its ashes. Though Amazon defeats him and he escapes with his life, Gengoro weasels his way out of being executed by suggesting kidnapping Ritsuko to regain his full strength with her blood so he can finish the job at an oil plant. However, Amazon stops Gengoro and mortally wounds him with a Big Slice to the forehead. Bleeding to death, Gengoro sends his extension back to Garanda's base before he subcumbs to his injuries. However, the extension is destroyed by Zero.
Episode 16 and Movie

Gama Beastman
A horned toad Beastman with a removable head who uses his tongue as a weapon and emits a flesh-eating mist from his horns. He is in charge of the Tokyo Fry Pan Operation, a scheme to turn Mt. Fuji into volcano by transferring magma from Mt. Mihara with forced labor and thus cause the ground under the city of Tokyo to burn. However, the kidnapping of the labor force gets Amazon's attention. With Mogura taking him to Gama's location, Amazon manages to stop Gama's plan and counters him with the Spin Kick before cutting the Beastman into four pieces with his Big Slice attack.
Episode 17

Hanmyou Beastman
A tiger beetle Beastman who shoots his mandibles as projectiles. He creates the Zero Device to carry out Garanda's earthquake plan to devastate Tokyo. Though he sets up a trap for Amazon to burry him alive 1,000 meters underground, Hanmyou's trap fails as the Zero Device is destroyed and the Beastman meets his end when hit by the Big Slice to the head and then cut in two.
Episode 18

Fukurou Beastman
An owl Beastman who uses his feathers and talons to induce blindness. Summoned by Garanda's leader, Fukurou starts up the Garanda Youth Corps by blinding children and hypnotize them with special contact lenses to have them dig up a series of tunnels in the subway to cause the entire city of Tokyo to sink. However, Amazon foils the plan and overcomes his momentary blindness before decapitating Fukurou with his Big Slice to break his hold over the children.
Episode 19

Kinoko Beastman
A mushroom beastman uses his acidic mold on people in Garanda's Tokyo Mold Destruction Operation. However, only an infant survived Kinoko's attack and the Beastman targeted the child to find out why before Amazon drives him off. After Mogura dies getting the mold sample for an antidote to be made after learning the mold is powerfuless against the common cold, Kinoko meets his end when his plan to cover Tokyo in mold is foiled as a vengeful Amazon chopped half-way into the Beastman's skull with his Big Slice.
Episode 20

Soginchaku Beastman
A vampiric sea anemone Beastman with regenerative abilities who sucks human blood and replaces it with his own, turning his human victims into vampiric cannibals as part of Garanda's Cannibal Human Operation. After setting up a trap to freeze him, Soghinchaku tries to eat him only to learn Amazon did on purpose to infiltrate his hideout. In the battle to follow, Amazon chops off the Beastman's arms followed by a kick before he could regenerate with his victims restore to their former selves.
Episode 21


Momonga Beastman
A flying squirrel Beastman who uses a flesh-melting mist on his human victims. Summoned by Zero, Momonga gains an Inca poison has pellet that he uses on the occupants of Okuyama village as a test while. However, a mix up of the Inca doll holding the poison with an identical one results with Momonga going after the doll. Bu with Amazon's interference, Momonga decides to bomb the house the doll is in to let loose the poison gas on the city as part of Garanda's. Tokyo Great Murder Operation. However, Amazon destroys Momonga with Amazon Kick before burying the capsule holding the Incan poison.
Episode 22

Sanshouo Beastman
A shape-shifting salamander Beastman with regenerative powers. Targeting the Okamura siblings in a plan to hold Amazon off for Garanda's Helium Bomb Operation to be completed, Sanshouo assumes Amazon's form to take them from Tobei. Though, Sanshouo becomes Imitation Amazon to fight Amazon before forced into his true form. Losing his right arm and tail for good, Sanshouo escapes and allows Zero to kill him, undoing his scale-inducing poison on the Okamura siblings.
Episode 23

Imitation Amazon

Episode 23


Garanda Empire
The Garanda Empire makes its appearance prior to Gorgos's death, taking the Gaga Bracelet for their own use as they go on a campaign of terrorist attacks on Tokyo to make it into their seat of power before going after the rest of the world. Led by the mysterious "Ruler" and stationed underground in trap-filled base, the Garanda Empire also uses Beastmen as their kaijin..

Ruler (Real Great Emperor Zero) / Shihaisha
The true leader of Garanda and Geddon, wearing silvery white robes that hide his true nature. He makes himself known to Amazon when he destroys the Helium Bomb's detonation system, unmasked as he fights Amazon in his thrown room before being impaled on his spear and having both his arms cut off. He still refuses to go down quietly, forcing Amazon to use Super Dai Setsudan to behead him, causing him to explode with Garanda's base destroyed in the process.
Episode 24

"Great Emperor Zero"
A Body double who poses for the real Zero, using his lance to execute traitors and failures alike. When Amazon arrives to Garanda's base, Zero negates the Gigi Armlet's powers with his lance as the Helium Bomb is installed. However, once the Gaga Armlet is fused to the Gigi Armlet, Amazon become immune to Zero's power as he looses his arm to the Kamen Rider before he gets impaled by his own pit trap.
Episodes 14-24

Kurojusha ("Black Follower")
The Garanda Empire's foot soldiers.


The kaijin utilized by Geddon are called Beastmen, grotesque bestial beings created by Gorgos. Having the strength of beasts with human intelligence, the Beastmen are conditioned to defeat the enemy even if they die in the process and such actions like retreating or failure are punishable by death and then are cooked for Gorgos to feed on.

Spider Beastman
A spider monster able to regenerate his limbs, Kumo is the first of Geddon's Beastmen to pursue Daisuke from the Amazon to Japan where he kidnaps people with his deadly webbing and spider familiars. When Daisuke arrives, Kumo kills Matsuyama before wounding Kousaka as he and Daisuke escape. Finding Daisuke, Kumo kills Kousaka before going after Ritsuka and Masahiko. Infuriated, Daisuke attacks Kumo with extreme prejudice, ripping off the monster's limbs before he falls back. Returning to his master, Gorgos incinerates him for his failure.
Episode 1

Beastman Vampire Bat
A Bat monster sent after Amazon, Vampire Koumori overpowers him with his flyng abilities until Amazon drives him off. However, before Vampire Koumori fell back, he bit Masako as she suffers a horrific fever beyond the knowledge of medical science. After feeding on a man to regain his strength upon getting a second chance, Vampire Koumori has the Jusha lure Amazon into a cave where he has the advantage. However, Amazon heavily wounds the Beastman before crippling one of his wings. Running off, Vampire Koumori is killed by Gorgos for putting his life above Geddon's goals, devoured by vampire bats as a result.
Episode 2

Mantis Beastman
Newly created by Gorgos, Kamakiri is sent to attack humans with his petrifying sailva in hopes that Amazon would show up so he can take the GiGi Armlet from him. He attacked Tobei when Amazon intervened, defeated by the monster. Kamakiri later attacks Amazon when he save Masahiko from a pair of Akajusha. In the end, Amazon causes the monster to be coated with its own saliva, turned to stone as he goes out to sea.
Episode 3

Beastman Big Centipede
A Beastman who is sent with the Superior Geddon Bike Team to go after Yamamura, a member of Kosaka's exploration party into the Amazon who knows the existence of the GaGa Armlet. After finding Yamamura, Omukade captures them with Daisuke in pursuit on the Jungler. After having Amazon bite off one of feelers and knocked over the edge of a cliff, Omukade is killed by Amazon's Big Slice.
Episode 4

Beastman Porcupine
A Beastman sent to kill Amazon and Mogura, Yamaarashi can turn himself into a spiked ball. He attacks Daisuke with he and Masahiko escaping the Beastman. Yamaarashi later steals the Quipu from Jouhouku University as it had clues to Geddon's agenda, provoking Daisuke into a trap. With Mogura's aid, Daisuke regains the Quipu before he battles Yamaarashi, killing him with his Big Slice as the Beastman bleeds out blue blood.
Episode 6

Snake Beastman
One of the most firece of Geddon's Beastmen, the Hebi is able to extend his body and use his tail as a weapon or to contrict his prey. He is sent to after Daisuke through Hiromi Arima and her biologist father, Professor Seichiro Arima. After eating the family friend, Izaki, Hebi creates a clone of his victim to have Professor Arima meet Daisuke and capture for the sake of science. With Daisuke captured, the clone melts as Hebi reveals himself. After Tobi and Masahiko free Daisuke, he drives off the Beastman as the children are taken by the Akajusha. Daisuke pursues them to an amusement park where Hebi has the advantage. But once assuming rider form, Amazon overwhelms Hebi with blows to the head before using his Big Slice to rip the Beastman's snout in two.
Episode 7

Crocodile Beastman
A Beastman who sneaks into Jonan Elementary, posing a stuffed animal while feeding on a janitor as Masahiko and his classmate Misuru witnessed it. The monster than proceeds to cause an evacuation in order flush out children for the Akajusha to capture and sent to Mt. Suna as part of Geddon's plan to eat the children after steaming them alive. Given a chance to redeem himself for failing to get the GiGi Armlet, the Wani attacks after Daisuke is tied up by the angry parents. Assuming his rider form, Amazon makes it to Mt. Suna to save the children after he takes a bite of Wani's face and uses his Big Slice on the monster's brainpan.
Episode 8

Crab Beastman
Awakened by Gorgos, with the ability to control man-eating crabs and sprew acid from his mouth, Kani is sent to gather human women so Gorgos can feed on their blood. Promised a raise in the ranks, Kani has the Akajusha capture a woman and lure Daisuke to him. After losing to Amazon, Kani captures Mogura and interrogates him to gain information on Amazon's weakness, targeting Ritsuko as a result. Catching Ritsuko and her friend Sayo after Tobei attempts to protect them, Kani takes the girls to his island with intent to friend them to his man-eating crabs as Amazon pursues them. Using the girls, Kani overpowers Amazon until he assumes Rider form and uses his Big Slice twice to kill the Beastman as he falls and dissolves into a pool of orange slime.
Episode 9

Black Cat Beastman
A black cat monster with poisonous claws. Attacking Daisuke in the middle of night, Black Cat manages to poison him before he escaped. While Tobei goes off with Masahiko to find his medical herbs, Daisuke is placed at the Saint Maria Nursery School. Learning of Amazon's location, Black Cat makes his way to St. Maria and attacks Daisuke who uses his Condora to drive the cat off by blinding his right eye. Vowing revenge, Black Cat has the Akajuusha takes the child Kazu as their hostage. Though he saves Kazu, Daisuke is attacked by the Beastman. Assuming Rider form, Amazon battles Black Cat until he uses his Big Slice to decaptiate the Beastman, knocking his head over the distance.
Episode 10

Beastman Katatsumuri
A snail Beastman sent after Amazon to take advantage of Masahiko's habit of collecting snails, Katatsumuri poses as a golden-shelled snail which an Akajusha placed in the boy's snail jar. Kat makes his move after school, chasing after Masahiko and his friends with his slime before Amazon arrives and takes their fight away from the children as the Akajusha spirit them off. Outmatched, the Beastman is knocked off into the river. Katatsumuri later appears as Daisuke wisen up to the Akajushas' decoy plan. In the ensuring fight, after Tobei help him, Amazon did enough damage to the Beastman for him to retract into his shell as Amazon flings it into the river where it explodes.
Episode 11

Togeari Beastman
He was originally Genji Murata, a murderous criminal who Daisuke saved a girl from when he used her as a hostage. On his way to jail, he was taken by the Akajusha and brought before Gorgos who offers to make him a BeastMan for the evil he committed. Accepting it over the death penalty, Genji is converted into an ant Beastman with his mind altered and able to shoot a flammable liquid from his mouth. Togeari is overpowers Daisuke with aid from an Akajusha's aid as they bring him to Gorgos. But when it turned out to be Daisuke's plan to get the GaGa Armlet from Gorgos, Amazon is forced to escape Geddon's collapsing base as he and Togeari battle outside. Fighting at full strength, Amazon uses his Big Slice to knock the Beastman's head off after he attempted to take him down with him.
Episode 12


Beastman Hebitonbo
A dobsonfly Beastman who attacks Masahiko and Miri, a woman who joined them in their fight against Geddon, when Amazon arrives with Mogura covering their escape. Hebitonbo later attacks Mogura before spiriting Miri away and use he to keep him from Gorgo's safe house and get the GiGi Bracelet. But once Miri is exposed as an Akajusha, Hebitonbo batttles Amazon and has his arms ripped off. Refusing to reveal Gorgos's hiding place, Hebitonbo pupulates himself into a coccon laced with Hira-inya. The Kurojusha steal it before the Akajusha can retrieve Hebitonbo and place it in the basement of a hospital before being brought to Garanda's base where Hebitonbo emerges in his imago form, astonished to find himself before Emperor Zero and offered a place in Garanda Empire if he takes the GaGa Armlet from Gorgos. Using Masahiko and Yumi as offerings to Gorgos to get the bracelet, Dobson encounters Amazon and battles him until he convinces Amazon to team up with him. But during the fight, Hebitonbo attempts to get GiGi Bracelet as well and is cut to pieces by Amazon's Big Slice.
Episodes 13-14


Geddon is the evil organization based in the Amazon before moving to Japan, bent on world dominion and fueled by human blood.

Ten-Faced Demon Gorgos
The leader of Geddon, Gorgos' boulder-like lower body holds many faces. He possesses the GaGa Armlet and wishes to acquire the GiGi Armlet Amazon possesses in order to achieve his goal of ruling the world with Incan science. After being forced to abandon his base, Gorgos attacks Yurigo University and starts slaughtering people with his acidic foam until Amazon arrives and battles him until he is forced to fall back when one of his faces is killed. Falling into Hebitonbo's trap, Gorgos loses his other faces before Amazon uses his Big Slice to rip of his right arm, causing Gorgos to explode into pieces he takes into the air. He appeared in Episodes 1-14.

Geddon's female red foot soldiers, serving as his eyes and ears.


Tobei Tachibana
Ally of the original Kamen Riders. Motorbike specialist. He helps Amazon settle in Japan.

Masahiko Okamura
The nephew of professor Kosaka and Daisuke's first friend in Japan, helping him in anyway he can. In Episode 13, it is shown that Masahiko teaches Amazon to speak coherent Japanese. Masahiko attends Jonan Elementary School.

Ritsuko Okamura
Mashahiko's big sister. At first she doesn't trust Amazon due to bringing Geddon to Japan and causing chaos. After being constantly rescued and helped by Amazon she puts her faith and trust in him.

Mogura Beastman
A mole monster, nicknamed Mogura, able to burrow underground and prone to chant "chu-chu". Mogura originally was working for Geddon and was sent after Amazon only to fall back due to police interference. After getting a chance to redeem himself, Mogura goes after Masahiko to set a trap for Amazon which ended up with his arm dislocated and many other injuries before he escaped. As a result, Mogura gets exiled to the surface and chained up to die of sun stroke. Amazon, taking pity on the monster, rescues him from his cruel fate. Though confused why, Mogura becomes Amazon's recurring ally until Garanda's Tokyo Mold Destruction Operation, where he faked offering his services to Garanda to take mold. However, Kinoko expected it and poisoned Mogura, living long enough to make his way to the doctor, but too late to be saved by the newly developed antidote. Soon after avenging him, Amazon builds a memorial in Mogura's honor. Appeared in Episodes 5 to 20.

Elder Bago
Chief of the Incas who bestowed the GiGi Armlet to Daisuke before he died.

Professor Kosaka
He knew the nature of the Gigi Armlet and his nephew Masahiko become Daisuke's friend. He is murdered by the Kumo Beastman.

Yamamura is fatally wounded by the Akajusha as Yanamura reveals the GaGa Armlet and he has a daughter.


GiGi Armlet
It s a mysterious O-Part of the Incas that was created 120 years ago as one of two keys that would allow the user of the two to rule the world with Incan super science. The GiGi Armlet serves as Amazon's power source along with being the only thing keeping him alive. Grafted unto his left arm, Daisuke is originally unaware of the Armlet's true power until he found the Quipu that revealed it.

Condorer is is Amazon's belt. While not the means of Amazon's transformation like Riders before and after, it has other uses such as a grappling hook.


Jungler is Amazon's motorcycle, built by Tobei Tachibana based on design specs provided by Kosaka from his journey into the Amazon. The Jungler is much more vibrant and exotic than Tobei's previous creations, featuring "wings" on the back and a "mouth" and "eyes" on the front.


Name: Daisuke Yamamoto
Designation: Kamen Rider Amazon
Equipment: GiGi Armlet, Condorer, Jungler

Daisuke Yamamoto was an infant when he and his family crashed their plane in the Amazon rainforest, leaving young Daisuke the sole survivor and grew up living off the land under the name of "Amazon". However, Gorgos, the Ten Faced Demon, massacres his new village in search of the powerful "GiGi Armlet", which gives the bearer powers. Elder Bago, last of the Incas, gives the GiGi Armlet to Daisuke for safekeeping while using his knowledge of Incan science and magic to perform a mystical "operation" on Daisuke, transforming him into "Kamen Rider Amazon" before he died. Under Bago's instructions, Daisuke evades Gorgos and his minions and makes his way to Tsubata, Ishikawa in Japan where he meets Professor Kosaka, who knew the nature of the Gigi Armlet. Meeting Kosaka's nephew Masahiko, who obliges to teach him to speak and the ways of the world. Though the first half of the series, because he was isolated from any human contact as a child, Daisuke couldn't speak coherent Japanese. But through Masahiko helped him cope with the culture shock, Daisuke learned to speak properly. Daisuke is infuriated at Kosaka being murdered by the Kumo Beastman and drives him off to save Masahiko and his sister Ritsuko, who blamed him at first for her uncle's death until he made an antidote to the poison her friend Masako got from the Beastman Vampire Koumori.

While catching fish, Daisuke finds himself at a motocross, frightened by the motorcycles before he saves a man named Tobei Tachibana who was attacked by Kamakiri Beastman. Paying him back, Tobei helps Daisuke overcome his fear of motorcycles to save Masahiko from the Akajuusha before Kamakiri attacks them, with Amazon killing the Beastman. But unnerved why he is hunted by the Geddon, Masahiko learns of Yamamura, one of the members of Kosaka's exploration party into the Amazon. Hoping to find the answer, they and Tobei learn that Yamamura's on the run from Geddon as he holds the secret that Geddon would go to lengths to make silent. When the Beastman Omukade captures Yamamura and his daughter, Daisuke pursues with newly built Jungler, saving them before killing the Beastman Omukade. During the fight, Yamamura is fatally wounded by the Akajusha as Yanamura reveals the "GaGa Armlet", the counterpart of the GiGi, that Gorgos possesses before he died. Daisuke is arrested by the police for attacking an officer when they needed to know his identity in spite of his part in helping them get murderer Oshima. Though he is bailed by Tobei, Daisuke runs off with a hatred for other humans.

The next day, Tobei and Ritsuko find Daisuke as he intends to return to the Amazon. Learning that Masahiko was abducted by Mogura and at Ritsuko's pleas, Daisuke saves his friend and give Mogura a severe beating. Daisuke later finds Mogura being punished for failing Gorgos, saving the Beastman who is shocked. Later, after being told by that Johoku University has gain relics from the Amazon, Daisuke and friends investigate and find the mysterious Quipu which Daisuke could decipher. But the Beastman Yamaarashi arrives and steals the Keep with Daisuke falling into his trap. But with Mogura's aid, Daisuke learns the story behind the GiGi and GaGa Armlets before killing Yamarashi, now knowing Geddon's goals. While searching for Geddon, Daisuke receives a radio from Masahiko so he can know when Gedon's up to no good. After saving a woman from Kani Beastman, Daisuke learns that Mogura is forced by the monster of reveal Ritsuko as a potential weakness. Though he attempts to protect Ritsuko, Daisuke is saddened as she tells him that he's the one Geddon's after and it might be best for everyone if he just goes back where he came from. In spite of this, Amazon saves Ritsuko and friend from Kani and later receives a vest from Ritsuko as her way of thanking him. As Daisuke manages to learn to speak and understand perfect Japanese, he attempts to find Geddon's safe house in order to take the GaGa Armlet from Gorgos.

But he is unaware of the Garanda Empire who offer the Geddon Beastman Hebitonbo a place in their group if he get the GaGa Armlet for them. Hebitonbo enlists Amazon's aid in fight Gorgos before attempting to take the GiGi Armlet as well. But the fight ends with both Hebitonbo and Gorgos dead as the GaGa Armlet then falls into the hands of the ruthless Great Emperor Zero. Learning of Garanda's existence from the Hachi Beastman incident, Amazon fights against the new evil with Mogura's aide before he died helping him against Kinoko Beastman. As Garanda sets up its final plan, the Helium Bomb Operation, Sanshouo Beastman is sent to kidnap the Okmura siblings to hold off Amazon while the plan is completed. However, Amazon manages to defeat Sanshouo before following the Beastman's blood to Garanda's base and braves the traps waiting for him before facing Great Emperor Zero himself. However, Amazon's Gigi Armlet is negated by Zero as he is captured. However, Tobei poses as a Kurojuusha to find Amazon as Zero is about to execute him. But freed when the Gaga Armlet combines with the Gigi Armlet, Amazon becomes immune, as he chases after him before the Garanda leader falls into one of his traps. Destroying the detonation system for the Helium Bomb, Amazon confronts the real Emperor Zero and kills him. With his mission complete, he returns to the amazon forest where he lived because it is his true home, though Tobei believes that he will come back if evil comes to terrorize Japan again.


Kamen Rider Amazon
JAPAN 1974 - 1975
Episode Count: 24
Air Date: October 19, 1974 - March 29, 1975

Series / Movie Info
A plane crashes in the Amazon rainforest, leaving young Daisuke Yamamoto stranded without his parents. Soon adopted by an Incan tribe, Daisuke becomes a wild child, living off the land. However, Daisuke's idyllic existence is cut short when Gorgos, the Ten Faced Demon, massacres his village, slaughtering everyone except himself in search for the powerful "GiGi Armlet", which gives the bearer fantastic power. Elder Bago, last of the Incas, gives the GiGi Armlet to Daisuke for safekeeping while using his knowledge of Incan science and magic to perform a mystical "operation" on Daisuke, transforming him into the powerful "Kamen Rider Amazon" before he died. Arriving at Japan, Daisuke battles Geddon without full knowledge of their reason of pursing him. Befriending the nephew and niece of Professor Kousaka, Daisuke learns the nature of the GiGi Armlet as he defeats Geddon and then the Garanda Empire.



The Vader ClanInvaders from another dimension with warped (to us) concepts of beauty. Intends to pollute and corrupt the Earth and its inhabitants to fit its unusual aesthetic.

Queen Hedrian
Machiko Soga, who also played Bandora inZyuranger . Hates beauty and wants to pollute the world. She finds happiness in the suffering of humans.

Omnipotent Demon King (37-51)(left side)
Half-naked, musclebound space wanderer. He offers help to Queen Hedrian but eventually takes the Vader Clan leadership for himself.

General Hedrer(right side)
Field commander.


Keller and Mirror
Female spies in slver and gold respectively. Keller can change into a shield, and Mirror a vanity mirror.

Grunts in black tights with skeletal designs that armed with sickles.

Vader Fighters
Batwinged evil planes.

Vader Castle
Flying fortress hidden in another dimension.


Denji Tiger
Flying fortress carrying the Denjifighter that launches from Denjiland.

It is the island headquarters that the Denji Fighter is dispatched from. it separted from the Denji Star long ago.

Denji Fighter
transforms into Daidenjin.

Daidenjin(Giant Electric Man)
It is the first transforming robot in SUper Sentai history. armed with Denzi Sword that performs the finishing attack Electronic Full Moon Cut. Its other weapons are the Denzi Ball and Daidenjin Boomerang. he Denji Fighter nose becomes Daidenjin's back, the sides of the underside become the chest, and the lateral sides become the legs.


Each Denjiman is armed with a Denjistick. These combine into the Denjiboomerang and are all used in the Electronic Lightning Fall. Other team attacks, not involving the sticks, include the Shot Gun, Blitzkrieg Attack, Denji Circle, Denji Shower, Dragonfly, Scramble Chain, and Denji Tower

Denzi Machine
Denzired's motorbike with sidecar.

Denzi Buggy
Jeep for the other four Denjiman.

Each Denjiman had a airboat.