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Written By Regina Kim on Saturday, August 11, 2012 | 12:31 AM

Kamen Rider x Kamen Rider Double & Decade: Movie War 2010 merupakan tiga film terpisah yang saling kovergen antara satu sama lain, menggabungkan kejadian yang terjadi di serial Kamen Rider Decade (sebagai cerita penutup serial, atau bisa dianggap sebagai episode 32) dengan kejadian yang terjadi di serial Kamen Rider W (sebagai cerita pembuka serial), Movie Taisen 2010 menawarkan cerita penuh aksi dan sekaligus menuntaskan rasa penasaran para penggemar akan kisah akhir dari Decade sekaligus permulaan dari munculnya Double sebagai Kamen Rider pelindung kota Fuuto.


Kamen Rider Decade Kanketsuhen menceritakan kejadian setelah episode 31 dimana Decade (dalam Fury Form) menghancurkan semua Rider dalam perannya sebagai 'penghancur segala-galanya'. Masalah menghadang dengan munculnya Super Shocker, sementara Decade pun mengorbankan dirinya di tangan Kamen Rider Kivaara, melengkapi perannya sebagai pahlawan, musuh, penghancur, sekaligus penyelamat. Dengan kenangan yang dimiliki di masing-masing dunia, Tsukasa pun kembali dan berjuang bersama teman-temannya menghadapi ancaman Super Shocker dengan Neo-Organism dan Doras.

Kamen Rider Double Begin's Night menceritakan keterlibatan Shotaro dalam sebuah kasus yang dialami oleh seorang artis bernama Asami yang dihantui oleh kehadiran saudaranya (yang juga partner bermusik) yang telah meninggal. Shotaro pun mengalami konflik batin ketika harus berhadapan dengan Narumi Sokichi yang merupakan bos agensi detektif yang dijalaninya, muncul tiba-tiba dan berubah menjadi Kamen Rider Skull. Hal tersebut memaksa Philip mengingatkan Shotaro kejadian yang mereka alami sehingga mereka bisa menjadi Kamen Rider Double. Setelah mengetahui dalang dari kasus ini, Shotaro dan Philip berhadapan dengan Dummy Dopant yang berusaha kabur dan membuat mereka terlibat dalam pertempuran yang terjadi antara Decade dengan Neo-Organism.

Movie War 2010 sendiri merupakan gabungan dari dua cerita terpisah sebelumnya, dimana jalan cerita dari Kanketsuhen dengan Begin's Night bergabung dan mempertemukan Decade dengan Double dalam menghadapi Neo-Organism yang bersatu dengan Dummy Dopant menciptakan monster Ultimate D, seluruh Rider utama Heisei beserta Kivaara dan Diend bersatu menghadapi Super Crisis Fortress dan Ultimate D yang sangat kuat tersebut.

Jika melihat segala kejadian tanpa adanya sedikitpun penjelasan, maka serial Decade adalah jawaranya. Penutup cerita Decade tetap tampil membawa seluruh ketimpangan plot yang sudah terjadi dari serialnya. Kanketsuhen tidak memiliki plot yang bagus, malah cenderung tidak matang dalam pengaturannya. Ada terlalu banyak, sekali lagi, terlalu banyak hal-hal yang justru membingungkan penonton terhadap Decade. Contoh yang paling nyata adalah dengan tidak ada satupun adegan yang sebelumnya diperlihatkan di trailer yang muncul di akhir episode 31, sekaligus pemaksaan jalan cerita yang tiba-tiba berhubungan dengan cerita Kamen Rider Double. Kreatif tapi sangat berantakan.

Namun di luar dugaan, Begin's Night tampil tetap solid dan mempertahankan semua elemen yang ada di serialnya, tentunya dengan tampilan yang lebih spesial dengan menghadirkan Kamen Rider Skull sekaligus memperjelas kejadian yang terjadi di episode 1 serial Double. Sebagai versi film yang tidak terlalu diharapkan (mengingat fokus utama film ini adalah kisah akhir dari Decade), justru Begin's Night mampu mencuri perhatian dan melegakan penonton dengan faktor-faktor yang sudah kuat dari serialnya sendiri.

Kalau Movie War 2010, tidak banyak yang perlu dibicarakan. 10 menit terakhir diisi adu ketangkasan dan pamer kekuatan (sekaligus ledakan), hanya sekedar penggabungan yang sebenarnya tidak perlu, namun untunglah tetap ditampilkan dengan baik. Perjalanan Decade berakhir dengan kesimpulan bahwa perjalanan Decade tidak pernah berakhir. Sementara Shotaro bisa bertemu lagi dengan Sokichi, meskipun hanya sekedar versi Alternate World yang berbeda dengan bos yang dikenalnya.

Sejujurnya, versi film ini tidak lebih baik dari All-Riders vs Dai-Shocker. Film ini diselamatkan oleh statusnya sebagai penutup Decade, sebagai klimaks dari perjalanan Tsukasa. Secara filosofis, sangat bagus memberikan kesimpulan bahwa Decade harus melewati tahap sebagai pahlawan, musuh, penyelamat, dan penghancur, agar mampu menyatukan seluruh dunia/cerita yang ada di masing-masing Kamen Rider, mengingat eksistensinya sendiri tidak ada tanpa menghancurkan dan mengumpulkan Rider yang ada (sesuai sub judulnya: Destroy Everything, Connect Everything). Sayangnya, hal yang sangat potensial ini tampil berantakan dan terlalu banyak melanggar logika-logika yang ada (dalam konteks Kamen Rider, bukan dalam konteks dunia nyata).Entah bagaimana di dada Decade Complete sudah terpasang foto Rising Ultimate Kuuga dan Super Climax Den-O (iya, penonton dipaksa menghubung-hubungkannya dengan kejadian yang terjadi sebelumnya, padahal tidak berhubungan sama sekali). Itu hanya contoh kecil dari berbagai ketimpangan-ketimpangan yang ada dalam film ini.

Apakah film ini sekedar fanservice? Sayang sekali, sepertinya memang begitu. Untunglah seluruh adegan aksi yang ada (yang memang menjadi andalan setiap tokusatsu) tampil rapi dan penuh spesial efek yang sangat bagus. Meski kadang ditampilkan dengan aneh (Rider berbaris-baris saling merubah Final Form Ride, itu maksudnya apaan?), secara keseluruhan sangat puas melihat semua Heisei Rider bermain keroyokan melawan musuhnya. Meskipun Skyrider, Super-1, dan J yang mewakili Kamen Rider generasi lama juga muncul, mereka tidak lebih sebagai penggembira ria belaka, hadir untuk dihajar Decade.

Begitulah cerita penutup sesungguhnya dari serial Decade, sekaligus cerita pembuka yang sesungguhnya dari serial Double. Silahkan lebih menggerutu dengan film ini, penantian yang cukup lama bagi penggemar Kamen Rider terutama yang dari luar Jepang, sudah terobati rasa penasaran akan nasib si penghancur dunia ini. Sebagai Kamen Rider yang sekedar lewat, Decade hadir membuat benci tapi rindu penggemar Kamen Rider. Decade telah hadir sebagai martir dari seluruh cerita Kamen Rider sekaligus sebagai martir dari strategi licik Bandai dalam seluruh penjualan mainannya.


Written By Regina Kim on Friday, August 10, 2012 | 11:50 PM

In "Kamen Rider Decade," the cocky amnesiac photographer Tsukasa travels between the worlds, fighting other Riders and their many enemies as he attempts to find his way back home. Along the way, he meets and befriends many Kamen Riders like him, but he carries the stigma of the title "Destroyer of Worlds," though he does not understand yet where such a name would come from. In "All Riders vs. Dai Shocker" we finally have an answer to that question. Whether or not the answer is satisfying is another matter entirely.

Let me start by saying that I love Decade. I really do. It's a massive fanwanky experience the likes of which I'm still surprised ever actually got made. Decade hops from one Rider World to the next, meeting with many of the Riders who came before him, fighting against them, and then ultimately teaming up with them against a stronger foe every couple episodes. And the whole thing ends with an epic war that involves every Rider in the franchise facing new iterations of their most classic adversaries.

I also HATE Decade. Because, for all of its fantastic fanservice, when you get right down to it, the writing just isn't very good. Characters feel vastly underdeveloped and underused, plot details take far too long to be revealed (and not in a fun way, as is the case with many other Rider shows), and there are several instances where the story just doesn't seem to quite know where it's going.

For the most part, "All Riders vs. Dai Shocker" takes on all of the qualities of the TV series, good and bad, and simply amplifies them for the big screen.

We begin with the first in a long string of kickass battles, featuring Decade facing off against Amazon. And considering we got a two-part arc devoted entirely to Amazon in the TV series, I have to wonder who among the writer/producer team had such a hard-on for Amazon. I mean, I like him as much as the next Rider fan, but damn.

In any case, we are launched from the battle to a few days earlier, when Tsukasa's crew first arrives in their latest adventure, in a world that Tsukasa finds familiar. He soon realizes that this may indeed be the world from which he was born. It doesn't take long for some of his memory to return, leading him to the home where he grew up with his sister, Sayo.

It's a confusing reunion between the two, made all the stranger by the appearance of Tsukikage, whom I assumed at the time was some kind of servant to the Kadoya family, looking after Sayo all this time.

And this is where I start to wonder exactly where in time this story takes place. See, we weren't shown the key moment in which the mural in the photo shop drops, which has always been the signal that a new adventure has begun in a brand new world, Quantum Leap-style. And the TV series seems pretty clear about which world we come from, and go to, at the beginning and end of each story arc. Which forces me to assume that this entire movie is taking place in-between scenes within one of the TV arcs. A lot of people assume that it's sometime during the Amazon World arc, which again is amusing to me since the movie kicks off with a fight that features Amazon.

In any case, Tsukasa's reunion with his sister and return to his home sparks memories of his former life and he has a sudden realization. That he was not only the "Destroyer of Worlds" that people had called him all this time, but he was the Great Leader of the multi-dimensional army known as Dai Shocker.

I love this idea for a period of about five minutes. Tsukasa makes an appearance in a truly awesome set of "bad guy clothing" with the Dai Shocker symbol and pink and black leather, and yet another crazy hairstyle. He sits on the throne and crosses his legs as his friends Natsumi and Yusuke look on in horror. He watches as the two of them are whipped and dropped into the gutter, even tossing a sword at them before they fall. It's later revealed that Tsukasa is only joining Dai Shocker because he believes defeating the other Riders is the only way to save the worlds from merging.

And that in itself is a head scratcher of an idea. So, the Riders' very existence is destroying the worlds? And that's why Tsukasa set up the tournament to decide the strongest Rider of them all? I guess it doesn't matter, since it is soon revealed that the Riders aren't the ones causing the collapse of the worlds. But the fact is that Tsukasa was willing to not only fight and defeat a whole slew of fellow Kamen Riders, but to watch his friends get attacked and almost killed, and he doesn't seem the slightest bit upset about it. To say the least, it's a jarring transition.

But hey, at least we got some crazy fight scenes out of the whole deal, right? Switch off your brains, kids, because ZX is facing off against Ryuki!

When I first heard about the tournament between Riders, I honestly assumed that this would take up most of the movie. Like the entire plot would revolve around this long series of battles, with the dramatic elements leaking in from behind the scenes, as Tsukasa and his friends slowly realize the true purpose of the tournament is simply to exhaust the heroes enough to make it impossible for them to rise against Dai Shocker once it was all over.

And now I really wish that they did my version instead. Not that it wasn't fun seeing the tournament as it was, but it felt a little too much like an extra gimmick thrown into the mix than a really important part of the story. Especially seeing as how the damage done with the tournament doesn't seem to stick for very long...

Meanwhile, Sayo reveals herself to be a lot more bitter and angry than we first realized. It seems she was the one who first bridged the gap between worlds, which Tsukasa then stepped through. Since that time when he left her all alone, she suffered, and Tsukikage was all too happy to comfort her.

I have to say that, since I didn't catch the obvious name pun ("Tsukikage" = "Moon Shadow"), I wasn't expecting Tsukikage to be revealed as the infamous ShadowMoon. I guess I should be thankful that I forgot all about him, considering how Toei shoved the idea of him down my throat with the billions of trailers and re-edited opening credits sequences they had going before the movie's release. For me at least, it was a nice, welcome surprise. As was Sayo becoming Bishium from "Kamen Rider Black."

I thought the fall from grace that Tsukasa underwent was well done. However, I do take issue with how quickly he seems to remember who he really is and the way he just expects everyone in his life to forgive him for what he did, despite the fact that he showed no remorse for it. Even for Tsukasa, this felt like too much of a leap. I mean, he wasn't the darkest of dark, but he was still pretty much a bad guy. And now, because he gets kicked off his throne, he's suddenly normal again. WHAT?!

Finally, Tsukasa comes face to face with his buddy Yusuke, but not in the way that he probably hopes. Because Sayo has given him the most useless power-up I've seen in quite some time.

Seriously, what was up with that? Obviously, they wanted a new toy to pimp for the movie, because it seems that no Rider movie can be released without at least one new Rider figure for toy vendors to sell. The problem isn't the new toy. It's more in the fact that he shows up for five minutes to kick Tsukasa further down the gutter, and then proceeds to do absolutely nothing for the rest of the movie. But that goes along with another complaint of mine toward the climax of the movie, so I'll hold off on that for a bit.

With Tsukasa out of the way, and all the key Riders (apparently) defeated, Dai Shocker launches an attack on all the worlds (or at least some of them, given a bunch of Riders seem perfectly fine with leaving their individual homes for the big battle at the end). Natsumi and Kaito take this opportunity to try and recruit some of the Dark Riders. For some reason.

Here's the thing. This sequence doesn't need to be in the movie at all. And it's always nice to see Ouja and Kick Hopper and all those guys again. But like a lot of things in this movie, they just show up because it's SO COOL to see them, and then they vanish before they can advance the plot at all.

I find it ironic that a similar scene takes place around this time, and it happens to be one of my favorite moments in the entire movie. Major recording artist Gackt makes his cameo appearance as the newest iteration of the classic Riderman character, giving some encouraging words to Tsukasa about what it means to be a Kamen Rider. In this moment, his backstory harkens back to another era for this show, and his words speak to the very heart and soul of the Rider franchise. It's just a perfect moment. And it's made all the sweeter by the badass attitude Gackt displays as he points that crazy cybernetic arm toward the army of monsters about to attack him and gets ready to fire.

Which is why I find it so sad that this character only exists from the start of this scene to the end of it, and is never seen or mentioned in the entire rest of the movie. It would have been great to elude to the character beforehand, or even see him fight alongside Tsukasa, as Decade regains his confidence in his former self- the person he was before returning home. Aside from all the more overt fanservice, this is the type of scene that will get me to rewatch the movie.

And now we come to the big showdown, where Decade faces off against a horde of monsters from many different Rider shows throughout the franchise's history (though most of those suits obviously came from the more recent era of the show).

Watching the first three Kamen Riders fly through the dimensional wall on their cycles was easily one of the most vivid images of the movie for me. The fact that they're on their bikes suddenly seemed like such a big deal, because the fact is, we hardly see these Kamen Riders actually RIDING things anymore. Having the most classic of characters fly in, with all the lead Riders that came after them follow on foot, is still surreal.

Of course, the fact that these people are here still forces me to wonder about several things. We just had this big tournament that was apparently designed to get rid of the major Rider threats. The baddies even ask how they can still be "alive" and the only answer they get is that the Riders will "always be alive to fight evil" or something. Am I the only person who is not just totally cool with that explanation?

I mean, yes, I understand that there's probably a more concrete answer. That these particular Riders are from completely different worlds than the ones we saw in the rest of the movie, and TV series. That they may have some awareness of what's going on that goes beyond what Tsukasa & Friends seem to know. But if that's the case, then I'm again confused as to why they don't at least tell us that much by the time we get to the end of the movie. That these guys are "special" and they didn't just magically appear out of nowhere because justice demanded it, and that's all. Maybe if this was a cheap 15-minute special, I would be fine with that, but this film obviously was meant to provide a more substantive experience, so I'm baffled by this.

In any case, with all the Riders (whoever they are) gathered together, we're treated to a pretty nice action sequence, with more combinations of Riders and special attacks than I can even remember. Great to see little touches thrown in such as the wrist-flick of Kamen Rider Faiz and Kabuto's victory pose as he points to the heavens. Though I do wish that they had taken some audio clips from past episodes and inserted them into the fight mix, instead of relying on completely new voice actors to play the older Riders. I can't imagine that would have been too difficult.

As the battle rages, Tsukasa is finally able to get through to his little sister, and she releases Yusuke from her spell, so that he can get his ass kicked by ShadowMoon thirty seconds later, despite his new upgraded form. And this is where that problem with the climax comes in that I was referencing earlier.

It looks as though Rising Ultimate Kuuga and Decade are about to take on ShadowMoon, when suddenly a new Rider shows up.

I knew ahead of time that this was going to be the debut appearance of Kamen Rider Double, and that he was going to get an appropriately huge introduction. But damn... Since I've already seen sixteen episodes of Double by now, I know full well that this Rider isn't nearly as strong as they made him out to be in this movie. I mean, how does one Rider do THAT to Shadow-Fucking-Moon? After fighting him for probably less than two minutes? Shenanigans!

I think the payoff is that, once Double leaves, ShadowMoon is stuck inside the wall of the Dai Shocker base, and the other Riders proceed to perform a giant group Rider Kick to destroy the entire base. The effects work here is just beautiful, and it's probably my favorite action moment in the whole movie, for both the visuals and the simple fact that ALL RIDERS are doing their trademark finisher at once. Not something you see every day.

And because the first two climaxes weren't enough, the enormous King Dark emerges from the rubble, and Kamen Rider J gets at least one more chance to show off his painfully awkward ability to grow to Ultraman size. DiEnd randomly morphs Decade into a giant DecadeDriver, transforming J into a giant version of Decade Complete.

The only thing I truly love about this is the fact that every Rider leaps into the air and becomes the card symbols that Decade flies through during his Rider Kick. Just as in the defeat of ShadowMoon, it's an awesome visual coupled with an awesome combination of heroes.

Once every enemy has been destroyed, the Riders just... kind of walk away. Not that I was expecting them to explain themselves, but it would have been nice to at least hear them say something about where they came from, or why any of this happened the way it did, or at least let us know that there IS an explanation coming up in the future.

Still, there was one moment in this scene that I absolutely loved, and that's the moment when Kamen Rider Agito turns back and becomes the original character, Shoichi, as performed by the original actor. Agito remains one of my all-time favorite Rider shows, and seeing him again was the only thing in the whole movie that I knew nothing about beforehand. I almost cried. >_>;

In the end, Sayo goes off on her own adventure, finally unburdened by the bitterness she harbored after Tsukasa left her. A nice way to cap her story, though I still honestly question how everyone can forgive Tsukasa so easily after everything he did in this movie.

And then there's the fact that Natsumi's grandfather was apparently the evil Dr. Shinigami this whole time, and yet no one even bothers asking how any of that happened. They all just seem to assume that everything is fine now, and they're not the slightest bit curious about what made him do and say all those things. I realize that there are probably answers as to who/what this guy is, but I find it rather sloppy that we don't even show the characters' confusion over it. I mean, if my grandfather became a murderous madman for a week, I would want to ask him about that at some point.

And so, just like the Decade series, we have a number of questions answered, but a bunch more left open for some other story. And a whole slew of little nagging tidbits that will probably never get fleshed out as much as some of us would like them to be. But I guess that's just the way Decade is. If you can find a way to set aside all the strange curves in the plot, you'll find yourself with a ridiculous, yet fun story that uses the entire Kamen Rider franchise as its sandbox to play in.

The second Decade movie has already dropped, but even with all the complaints I've got, I still find myself hoping that Tsukasa's story will continue in some way beyond that point. He's one of the few characters whose story is so broad that it could take them literally anywhere, and I'd probably never get tired of it. Even if it infuriates the hell out of me!


Cho Kamen Rider Den-O & Decade NEO Generations The Movie: The Onigashima Battleship (劇場版 超・仮面ライダー電王&ディケイド NEO ジェネレーションズ 鬼ヶ島の戦艦,Gekijōban Chō-Kamen Raidā Den'ō ando Dikeido Neo Jenerēshonzu Onigashima no Senkan) is the fourth film adaptation of the popular Kamen Rider Series Kamen Rider Den-O, following Kamen Rider Den-O: I'm Born!, Kamen Rider Den-O & Kiva: Climax Deka, and Saraba Kamen Rider Den-O: Final Countdown. The Onigashima Battleship is the first of the films to be part of the Cho Den-O Series, a new multimedia franchise featuring the characters of Den-O and many new characters. It opened in theaters on May 1, 2009.

Story EditThe Battleship OnigashimaTaking place after the events of Kamen Rider Decade episode 15, under the impression that they saved the World of Den-O, Tsukasa Kadoya and company begin their journey to the World of Kabuto when they are halted by Sieg who presents them a manuscript that detailed the legendary Oni Conquest with Momotaros' image on it. As this occurred, the Tarōs mysteriously vanish from the DenLiner as they are about to help Kotaro Nogami out with the true threat to their world.

Meanwhile, in the year 1980, a boy named Yu encounters Mimihiko and then Yu is possessed by Deneb who gets him away from the Gelnewts before New Den-O arrives to cover his escape. Deneb then brings Yu to Ryotaro, revealing Mimihiko to be one of the Oni of legend and is searching for the Trump Stone which Yu possesses. Seeing Yu reluctant to give them the item, Ryotaro leaves him with a DenLiner admission ticket should he change his mind. The next day, Yu runs off after learns that his father wants him to leave with him. Learning he is hunted by the Gelnewts, Yu tries to outrun the monsters on his bike before managing to reach the sands of time where the DenLiner is waiting for him. Giving them the Trump Stone, Yu wishes to be remain on the train. Though Owner warns him their intent to go back in time to fight the Oni, Yu refuses to turn back. After Yu is informed on the effects the distortions had on Ryotaro and Yuto, the former regressed to a child while the latter has mysteriously disappeared, the DenLiner arrives at the Junction Point where they meet the Station Master who reveals a 1936 newspaper revealing that Urataros, Kintaros, and Ryutaros are making a living as rice thieves in the bodies of another trio named Jiro, Ramon, and Riki (the Arms Monsters of Kamen Rider Kiva). During that time, the kids find Tsukasa who offers his aid. Kotaro is reluctant to accept his help until Tsukasa reveals the scroll Sieg brought with him that has Momotaros on it.

Arriving in the Muromachi period, DenLiner gang arrive and defeat the Gelnewts, meeting Toki and joining her at the village's pleas. Once at Onigashima, New Den-O and the villagers catch the Gelnewts off guard as the kids find Momotaros. Deneb asks Yu to form a contract with him, at least until Yuto returns, to be able to assist the others in. Den-O and Deneb join the fray as Kuchihiko arrives and assumes his Rider form Goludora. During the fight, Toki takes a hit meant for Yu before New Den-O is defeated. Using Kotaro as a bargaining chip, Goludora gives them a day to accept his demands for both the Trump Stone and the DenLiner. The next day, after planning it out, the DenLiner gang gives up both the Trump Stone and the DenLiner. Once the Owner and Naomi are evicted, Kuchihiko ditches Kotaro as he enters the DenLiner to reach his brother in the present time period. However, his journey is staged as the evicted "Owner" is the Station Master in disguise as the real Owner pulled the emergency break as everyone else has erected a massive set designed to look like modern Tokyo. Once the DenLiner staff and the Station Master enter the train, with Kohana guarding the door, Den-O, the Tarōs, and New Den-O battle Goludora and the Gelnewts with Toki providing backup, until she is wounded in battle.

However, Diend appears long enough to summon Kamen Riders Ohja, G3 and Caucasus as wild cards in the fight and Kuchihiko reassembles the Oni's Trump Stone with Mimihiko activating the Demon's Warship in the present and using it to return to the past. The Oni Brothers are able to defeat them until Tsukasa and Sieg arrive, allowing Den-O to assume Wing form as Momotaros possess Tsukasa to fight as Decade. The other Tarōs do the same with Diend's summoned Riders (Urataros with G3, Kintaros with Caucasus and Ryutaros with Ohja) while Deneb enters Kotaro, enabling Kamen Rider New Den-O to assume Vega Form. Helping Toki fire her arrow, Yu manages to break the Demon's Warship’s anchor to give the Kamen Riders time to set up a way to end the fight. At Decade's suggestion, Ryotaro forms Kamen Rider Den-O Super Climax Form with the Tarōs and Sieg. Cho-Den-O and Decade manage to overwhelm the Oni Brothers with New Den-O Vega Form and Teddy's aid. After Shilubara sacrifices himself to protect his brother, an enraged Goludora enters the Warship and engages the DenLiner in a battle with Decade taking his leave as the DenLiner gang manages to sink the Warship from the inside out as Kamen Rider Den-O Sword finishes Goludora off with a Rider Kick. Soon after, Yu bids farewell to Toki as she is revealed to be his ancestor. Though offered a slight detour before they return to present, Yu turns it down as he wants to be back in his time. After they part ways, Deneb is dropped back in 2009 where he finds Yuto waiting for him, where he reveals that he went by the name Yu as a child and they return to the ZeroLiner.

Pre-production and casting
Initially scheduled to be released in April 2009, Toei later announced that the film would be included in the new Cho Den-O Series. The first new cast member to be announced was gravure idol Akina Minami. The cast members of Den-O to return include the voice actors of the Tarōs, Sieg, and Deneb, as well as the actors portraying Naomi, Kohana, and Owner, among others (Toshihiko Seki, Kōji Yusa, Masaki Terasoma, Kenichi Suzumura, Shin-ichiro Miki, Hōchū Ōtsuka, Rina Akiyama, Tamaki Matsumoto, Yuichi Nakamura, and Kenjirō Ishimaru). Also to be featured in the film are several cast members of the current Kamen Rider Series Kamen Rider Decade and some of the cast members of Kamen Rider Kiva who are possessed by Tarōs.
Movie-exclusive Kamen Riders Edit

The movie's antagonists are the two Oni Brothers of Onigashima, who both use the Gelnewt (ゲルニュート ,Gerunyūto?) Mirror Monsters as their foot soldiers.
Goludora EditMain article: Kuchihiko

The eldest of two Oni Brothers, Kuchihiko (クチヒコ ,Kuchihiko) has the ability to become the grasshopper-likeGoludora (仮面ライダーゴルドラ ,Kamen Raidā Gorudora?) and is armed with a Khakkhara as his weapon.
Shilubara EditMain article: Mimihiko

The younger Oni Brother, Mimihiko (ミミヒコ ,Mimihiko) has the ability to become the dragonfly-like Shilubara(仮面ライダーシルバラ ,Kamen Raidā Shirubara) and is armed with a kanabō as his weapon.

Cast Edit
Kotaro Nogami (野上 幸太郎 ,Nogami Kōtarō): Dori Sakurada (桜田 通 ,Sakurada Dōri)
Tsukasa Kadoya (門矢 士 ,Kadoya Tsukasa): Masahiro Inoue (井上 正大 ,Inoue Masahiro)
Daiki Kaito (海東 大樹 ,Kaitō Daiki): Kimito Totani (戸谷 公人 ,Totani Kimito?)
Toki (トキ ?): Akina Minami (南 明奈 ,Minami Akina)
Yu (ユウ ,Yū?): Ruka Sawaki (沢木 ルカ ,Sawaki Ruka)
Naomi (ナオミ ,Naomi): Rina Akiyama (秋山 莉奈 ,Akiyama Rina)
Natsumi Hikari (光 夏海 ,Hikari Natsumi): Kanna Mori (森 カンナ ,Mori Kanna)
Ryotaro Nogami (野上 良太郎 ,Nogami Ryōtarō): Takuya Mizoguchi (溝口 琢矢 ,Mizoguchi Takuya)
Kohana (コハナ ,Kohana): Tamaki Matsumoto (松元 環季 ,Matsumoto Tamaki)
Jiro (次狼 ,Jirō): Kenji Matsuda (松田 賢二 ,Matsuda Kenji)
Ramon (ラモン ,Ramon): Yuuki Ogoe (小越 勇輝 ,Ogoe Yūki)
Riki (力 ,Riki?): Eiji Takigawa (滝川 英治 ,Takigawa Eiji)
Yuto Sakurai (桜井 侑斗 ,Sakurai Yūto): Yuichi Nakamura (中村 優一 ,Nakamura Yūichi)
Kuchihiko (クチヒコ ,Kuchihiko): Eisuke Sasai (篠井 英介 ,Sasai Eisuke)
Mimihiko (ミミヒコ ,Mimihiko): Shingo Yanagisawa (柳沢 慎吾 ,Yanagisawa Shingo)
Owner (オーナー ,Ōnā?): Kenjirō Ishimaru (石丸 謙二郎 ,Ishimaru Kenjirō)
Eijiro Hikari (光 栄次郎 ,Hikari Eijirō): Renji Ishibashi (石橋 蓮司 ,Ishibashi Renji)

Voice actors
Momotaros (モモタロス ,Momotarosu): Toshihiko Seki (関 俊彦 ,Seki Toshihiko)
Urataros (ウラタロス ,Uratarosu): Kōji Yusa (遊佐 浩二 ,Yusa Kōji)
Kintaros (キンタロス ,Kintarosu): Masaki Terasoma (てらそま まさき ,Terasoma Masaki)
Ryutaros (リュウタロス ,Ryūtarosu): Kenichi Suzumura (鈴村 健一 ,Suzumura Ken'ichi)
Deneb (デネブ ,Denebu): Hōchū Ōtsuka (大塚 芳忠 ,Ōtsuka Hōchū)
Sieg (ジーク ,Jīku): Shin-ichiro Miki (三木 眞一郎 ,Miki Shin'ichirō)
Teddy (テディ ,Tedi): Daisuke Ono (小野 大輔 ,Ono Daisuke)

Songs Edit
Theme song
"Cho Climax Jump" (超 Climax Jump ,Chō Kuraimakkusu Janpu)
Lyrics: Shoko Fujibayashi
Composition & Arrangement: Shuhei Naruse
Artist: Den-O All Stars (電王オールスターズ ,Den'ō Ōru Sutāzu): Momotaros (Toshihiko Seki), Urataros (Kōji Yusa), Kintaros (Masaki Terasoma), Ryutaros (Kenichi Suzumura), Teddy (Daisuke Ono), the Owner (Kenjirō Ishimaru), Kotaro Nogami (Dori Sakurada), Naomi (Rina Akiyama), and Kohana (Tamaki Matsumoto)

120810 Kamen Rider X - Kamen Rider Fourzex & 000 Movie Wars MEGAMAX 2012

Japan will finally see the most awaited Kamen Rider × Kamen Rider OOO & Fourze: Movie Wars MEGAMAX film this December 10th. Even with that said, the full summary, containing important parts in the movie, has been made available through Japanese boards.

Part 1: Beginning
A meteor falls down. The 7 Riders try and prevent Foundation X from taking SOLU. Kannagi manages to get the SOLU.

Part 2: Kamen Rider OOO
40 years into the future, Kamen Rider Poseidon declares he's going to become a Kamen Rider Hunter. Miharu received a new belt and Core Medals from Kougami, found the Core Medals that disappeared at the final episode, absorbs them and goes crazy, taking the name Poseidon. He travels back in time through a time drift. Miharu received the Poseidon Driver because he felt he was weak and was afraid of water. Kougami believed this belt would help him.

Kougami tells the Double Birth to fight him off, they lose. The Prototype Driver is broken permanently. Then tells Eiji to come back to Japan, as he's traveling around the world trying to find the Core Medals. At the airport, Eiji meets Ankh. They head over to Cous Cousier, Chiyoko welcomes them. Waste Yummies shows up.

Miharu and Poseidon splits apart into two different beings. Seems like Miharu had some sort of parasitic bond with the Core Medals. Not really explained why they split, Poseidon rampages even more. Miharu transforms into Aqua. Eiji gives Miharu a pair of tomorrow's underwear.

Ankh, takes the form of Eiji, as a strategy. Ankh doesn't possess Eiji. Together they manage to grab some Medals and Eiji goes Shauta. Aqua and Tajadoru finishes Poseidon off. Miharu returns to the future, Ankh disappears without anyone knowing. Foundation X shows up and attacks Team OOO. Grabs Poseidon's Medals and leaves.

Part 3: Fuuto - The Secret Plot Advances
Shotaro chases after Foundation X (Supposedly a request from Eiji). Foundation X are transporting the SOLU somewhere else. While Phillip is busy researching, Shotaro transforms into Joker. As they fight, the SOLU leaks out from a capsule.

The Legendary Seven Riders are at some airport, fighting Kannagi. Kannagi overpowers them and turns them into Switches and Medals.

Part 4: Kamen Rider Fourze
Nadeshiko falls down from the sky, Gentaro catches her and falls in love.

Foundation X team up with the Zodiarts, Fourze heads out to fight.Kamen Rider Nadeshiko shows up. Sadondas shows up to retrieve Nadeshiko, Nadeshiko turns into the SOLU Switch. Gentaro starts crying and screaming. Kamen Rider Club+Power Dizer shows up to fight.

At the very end of part four, Eiji appears and asks for Gentaro's help.

Part 5: Movie Wars MEGAMAX
A bunch of monsters are standing in front of Shotaro, Phillip, Eiji and Gentaro as they transform together. The three of them chase after Kannagi, they arrive at a warehouse and save the seven Riders. Fight against old monsters ensues. Special attacks are executed in a row, one after another.

Kannagi becomes Super Galaxy King by using Poseidon's Medals and the SOLU Switch.
Fourze takes Nadeshiko's Rocket Switch and goes into Rocket States.Miharu shows up and gives Eiji the Super Core Medals. The jingle is "Super Taka! Super Tora! Super Batta! Ta-to-ba, tatobatatoba, SU-PER!"

They fight Super Galaxy King as the medley plays. Report ends here, nothing about the conclusion was included.

Versi Indonesia

Inilah Movie Kamen Rider terbaru Kamen Rider yaitu
Kamen Rider x Kamen Rider Fourze & OOO Movie War Megamax, yang diputar di Jepang pada 10 Desember 2011 lalu. Film ini menampilkan sejumlah Kamen Rider anyar setelah kamen rider Decade seperti Kamen Rider W, Kamen Rider OOO dan juga Kamen Rider Fourze. Selain itu para Seven Rider yang legendaris muncul kembali di sini.

Film ini terbagi menjadi lima babak

Babak pertama berjudul Begining. Tokoh utama pada babak ini adalah Seven Riders yang muncul pada Kamen Rider Stronger. Kamen Rider no.1, no.2, V3, Riderman, X, Amazon dan Stronger harus berhadapan dengan Foundation X. Kemunculan Foundation X sendiri erat kaitannya dengan jatuhnya sejumlah meteor yang mengandung energi misterius yang disebut SOLU ke atmosfir bumi.

Kamen Rider OOO
Pada babak kedua yang mengambil waktu setelah Kamen Rider OOO berakhir ini, muncul seorang pemuda bernama Michal Minato (diperankan oleh Atsushi Arai). Ia berasal dari 40 tahun di masa mendatang. Ia seorang rider dengan elemen air yang memiliki phobia terhadap air. Kougami Foundation memberikannya Poseidon Driver. Sayangnya karena Core Medals dan Cell Medals ditunggangi oleh Greed, Michal berubah menjadi Kamen Rider Poseidon yang jahat. Ia pun harus berhadapan dengan Kamen Rider Birth. Eiji Hino kembali bersama Ankh yang muncul kembali. Setelah terpisah dari tubuh Poseidon, Michal pun berubah menjadi Kamen Rider Aqua untuk membantu Kamen Rider OOO

Futo: The Conspiracy Advances
Babak ketiga ini mengambil setting pada Kamen Rider W dimana Shotaro Hidari menyelidiki tentang aktivitas dari Foundation X. Sementara itu para seven Rider menemukan airport rahasia Foundation X dan berhadapan dengan pemimpin merekaLem Kannagi. Akan tetapi Foundation X sudah menanti kedatangan para Kamen Rider dengan sebuah jebakan

Kamen Rider Fourze
SMU Amanogawa kedatangan seorang siswi pindahan yaitu Misaki Nadeshiko(diperankan oleh Erina Mano). Gentaro Kisaragi pun sepertinya jatuh cinta pada gadis ini. Ketika Zodiarts menyerang, Nadhesiko pun berubah menjadi Kamen Rider Nadhesiko. Tapi, tujuan kehadiran Nadhesiko bukan untuk menghadapi Zodiarts melainkan Foundation X yang menciptakan monster super Mutamits. Nadhesiko sendiri sebenarnya adalah SOLU yang menyamar dan mengambil bentuk manusia. Ia pun dapat dikalahkan dan diubah kembali sebagai bentuk SOLU untuk dijadikan bagian dari Super Galaxy King

Movie War Mega Max
Klimaks dari rangkaian babak pada film ini. Terkuaklah rencana Lem Kannagi yang ingin menggunakan SOLU bersama dengan Core Medals dan Zodiarts Switches, agar Foundation X dapat mengalahkan Kamen Rider untuk menguasai dunia. Saatnya para Kamen Rider berkumpul untuk menghadapi Foundation X dan Kannagi yang berubah menjadi Super Galaxy King

Movie Kamen Rider ini juga mengusung single Samurai Strong Style yang menjadi soundtrack film ini. Single ini dibawakan oleh Shoe Ayanocozey dan mantan gitaris grup Megadeth, Marty Friedman.

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